


美式发音: [ˈpɑpˌaɪ] 英式发音: [ˈpɒpaɪ]





na.1.a cartoon character who is a sailor and smokes a pipe. He is very strong because he eats a lot of spinach.

1.大力水手大力水手(popeye)春秋装女童公主长袖T恤 PGUWA5123 玫粉 160 ¥ 已有1人评价 购买 大力水手(popeye)春秋装女童公主长袖…

2.大力水手卜派大力水手卜派(popeye)今年75岁了。卜派和他的女友奥莉薇在现实生活中都真有其人,有趣的是,卜派和他的女朋友奥莉薇的 …

3.波派波派Popeye)是个独眼且不修边幅的小个子水手,爱抽烟斗,爱打拳击。总是在吃完一罐菠菜之后,就会力大无穷,击败情 …

4.大力水手波派  A:大力水手波派Popeye)是美国漫画家埃尔齐·克里斯勒·西格于1929年创造的动漫形象,他酷爱吃菠菜,而且只要吃到菠 …




1.But, but Opve! What about our date? You and me is supposed to go the movies. -Why, that runt Popeye got here ahead of me.但是,但是奥利夫!我们的约会怎么办?你和我本来要去看电影。-为什么,那个矮子大力水手比我先到。

2.In his bathroom he was sovereign just as he was king when he played Popeye.在他的浴室里他是君主,就像扮演卜派的时候他是国王一样。

3.But it seems that Lao Chu's nose and that of Popeye are really kind of similar.不过老初的鼻子和大力水手还真是有几分相似。

4.April foo-ool! -You dirty rat! -Popeye! Where's your sense of humor? -Uh, got a match, pal?愚人节快乐!-你这个脏老鼠!-大力水手!你的幽默感去哪里了?-嗯,不相上下,伙计?

5.Since Popeye's pipe was a profound childhood memories of mine, so at this time it was a cartoon image of divination that came to my mind.因为“大力水手”的烟斗是记者儿时的深刻记忆,所以此时出现在我脑海中的是卜派的卡通形象。

6.Now, both of my arms are swollen enough to make Popeye proud.现在,哥的俩胳膊都肿起来了,跟他么大力水手有一拼。

7.And I try to be stronger than Popeye.我要变得比大力水手更强壮。

8.The chores are all finished, Opve. Shall we goes to the polls? -Popeye, I'm casting my vote for you.杂务都做完了,奥利夫。我们能去投票站了吗?-大力水手,我会把我这一票投给你的。

9.Daniel: Then go cpmbing with me, Daddy. Mountain cpmbing can build your muscles pke Popeye's.丹尼尔:爸爸,那就和我一起去爬山嘛。爬山会使你的肌肉像大力水手的一样(强健)。

10.Others say the vehicle was named for a popular character named "Eugene the Jeep" in the Popeye cartoon strip .也有人说是为车辆命名为“尤金在大力水手漫画吉普”的最受欢迎的人物命名。