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1.庄 Zhu[ 朱、祝、竺、诸、竹] Zhuang[ ] Zhuge[ 诸葛] ...

2.泗阳 甘肃-金塔: gszzb, 江苏-泗阳: zhuang, 黑龙江-绥化市: tshs, ...

3.石 办 ~建 ~见 ~举 ~刊 ~立 ~设 ~始 ~新 ~ 业 ~造 ~制 ~作 独~ 首~ 初~ 幢【 chuang2】 经~ ~【 zhuang4】 …

4.徐荘徐庄徐妆徐壮徐状 ... ZHUAN 徐专徐转徐撰 ZHUANG 徐荘徐庄徐妆徐壮徐状 ZHUI 徐锥徐追 ...

5.康荘康庄康壮 ... ZHUAN 康专 ZHUANG 康荘康庄康壮 ZHUI 康追 ...

6.缩略图片地址 ... (request("kucun") 物料库存 (request("zhuang") 缩略图片地址 (request("bookcontent") 编辑推荐 ...



1.At last zhuang-zi pictured out a utopian in his ideal as the permanent place in pfe to category from the tragic fate.最后,庄子为我们描绘了一个他精神中的理想乌托邦作为人类摆脱悲剧性命运的最后归宿。

2.eg. We're all anxious to hear Mrs. Zhuang Wei's remarks, so let us all welcome her to the podium.我们都盼望听到庄薇女士说几句话,所以让我们欢迎她上台。

3.This has attracted up to three years of ptigation, the court finds that GJM is indeed the ultimate violation of the copyright Zhuang Yu.这引起了三年的诉讼之后,法院发现这确实是GJM根本违反著作权壮族俞思远。

4.Officer Zhuang's automatic reflex was to push the madman down, but found he wasn't nearly strong enough to take on this guy.庄警官几乎条件反射般要将疯子按倒,但发现他的力气太小,根本不足以对付这个家伙。

5.Taking into account family, Yao Zhuang constitution to give up college opportunity to all distinctions into a technical institute in Taipei.考虑到家境,姚壮宪放弃了上大学的良机,以全优成绩进入台北市的一所工专。

6.His father, Zhuang said, had not known that he would never see his homeland again when they left Nanjing in 1948.庄灵说,他的父亲在1948年离开南京时,还不知道他将永远也不能再见到故乡。

7.Both the general names and the proper names are the important parts of the Zhuang geograpnical names system.通名和专名是壮语地名词汇系统的重要内容。

8.The problem was that appreciation hurt domestic manufacturers too much, Zhuang said.问题是,升值伤害国内厂商太多了,庄说。

9.Now is the season Jia Zhuang, the company thanks to new and old customers feedback, kitchen and bathroom tiles is a piece of one square!现在是家装的旺季,公司感恩回馈新老客户,厨房跟卫生间贴瓷砖是一块钱一平方!

10.In 1669 the Emperor arrested Oboi with help from the Xiao Zhuang Grand Dowager Empress and began to take control of the country himself.在1669年被捕Oboi皇帝的帮助下从晓庄大贵妇皇后,并开始着手控制该国自己。