


美式发音: [ˈbit(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˈbiːt(ə)n]








beaten显示所有例句v.比赛in game

1.[t]~ sb (at sth)(在比赛或竞争中)赢,打败(某人)to defeat sb in a game or competition

He beat me at chess.他下棋赢了我。

Their recent wins have proved they're still the ones to beat(= the most difficult team to beat) .他们最近的胜利已证明,他们仍然是最难打败的队。


2.[t](informal)~ sth控制to get control of sth

The government's main aim is to beat inflation.政府的主要目标是抑制通货膨胀。

太难be too difficult

3.[t](informal)难倒to be too difficult for sb

a problem that beats even the experts连专家都难以解决的问题

It beats me(= I don't know) why he did it.我弄不懂他为什么这样做。

What beats me is how it was done so quickly(= I don't understand how) .使我困惑不解的是,这事怎么这么快就完成了。

更好be better

4.[t]~ sth比…更好;赛过;胜过to do or be better than sth

Nothing beats home cooking.什么也比不上家里做的好吃。

You can't beat Itapan shoes.意大利鞋是无与伦比的。

They want to beat the speed record(= go faster than anyone before) .他们想打破这一速度纪录。


5.[t](informal)~ sth避免;逃避to avoid sth

If we go early we should beat the traffic.我们早点出发应该就可以避开交通拥挤。

We were up and off early to beat the heat .我们很早就起床出发了,趁天还没热。


6.[i][t]敲打;锤砸to hit sb/sth many times, usually very hard

Somebody was beating at the door.有人在打门。

Hailstones beat against the window.冰雹不断地砸在窗户上。

Someone was beating a drum.有人在敲鼓。

She was beating dust out of the carpet(= removing dust from the carpet by beating it) .她正在拍掉地毯上的灰尘。

At that time children were regularly beaten for quite minor offences(= a punishment) .那时候孩子们常常因为很小的过错而挨打。

An elderly man was found beaten to death .有人发现一名老翁被打死了。

They beat him unconscious(= hit him until he became unconscious) .他们把他打得不省人事。

心脏;鼓;翅膀of heart/drums/wings

7.[i][t](使)规律作响,作节奏运动to make, or cause sth to make, a regular sound or movement

She's apve─her heart is still beating .她没死 — 她的心还在跳动。

We heard the drums beating .我们听到鼓声。

The bird was beating its wings(= moving them up and down) frantically.鸟儿没命地扑着翅膀。


8.[t](用叉等)快速搅拌,打to mix sth with short quick movements with a fork, etc.

Beat the eggs up to a frothy consistency.把鸡蛋打成黏稠泡沫状。

Beat the flour and milk together.把面粉和牛奶搅拌在一起。

使金属成形shape metal

9.[t]把(金属等)锤成;敲打(成…)to change the shape of sth, especially metal, by hitting it with a hammer, etc.

beaten silver银箔

The gold is beaten out into thin strips.金子被锤成了薄薄的长条。

The metal had been beaten flat.那块金属被锤平了。

开辟路径make path

10.[t]~ sth (through, across, along, etc. sth)踏出,踩出(道路)to make a path, etc. by walking somewhere or by pressing branches down and walking over them

a well-beaten track(= one that has been worn hard by much use)经过很多人踏出来的路

The hunters beat a path through the undergrowth.猎人们在灌木丛中踩出了一条小径。


Stop beating about the bush and tell me what you want.别绕来绕去了,告诉我你想要什么吧。

beat about the bush拐弯抹角地讲话;绕圈子to talk about sth for a long time without coming to the main point

Stop beating about the bush and tell me what you want.别绕来绕去了,告诉我你想要什么吧。

beat sb at their own game赢某人的看家本领;打败某人的强项to defeat or do better than sb in an activity which they have chosen or in which they think they are strongbeat your brains out(informal)绞尽脑汁;反复推敲to think very hard about sth for a long timebeat your breast捶胸顿足(尤指对自己的作为刻意表示悲伤或愧疚)to show that you feel sorry about sth that you have done, especially in pubpc and in an exaggerated waybeat the clock提前完成任务(或跑到终点等)to finish a task, race, etc. before a particular time

This is private land, so beat it!这里是私人土地,滚开!

beat it滚开;立即走开to go away immediately

This is private land, so beat it!这里是私人土地,滚开!

Top theatrical agents are beating a path to the teenager's door.顶尖级演员经纪正纷纷把目光投向那个青少年。

beat a path to sbs door使门庭若市;蜂拥而至;使成注意焦点if a lot of peoplebeat a path to sb's door , they are all interested in sth that person has to sell, or can do or tell them

Top theatrical agents are beating a path to the teenager's door.顶尖级演员经纪正纷纷把目光投向那个青少年。

beat the rap逃脱惩罚to escape without being punishedbeat a (hasty) retreat(仓促)逃走;(慌忙)撤退to go away or back quickly, especially to avoid sth unpleasant

She beat time with her fingers.她用手指打拍子。

beat time (to sth)(随着音乐)打拍子to mark or follow the rhythm of music, by waving a stick, tapping your foot, etc.

She beat time with her fingers.她用手指打拍子。

beat sb to the punch(informal)抢先下手;抢在前面to get or do sth before sb else cancan you beat that/it!(informal)难以置信;太不像话used to express surprise or angerif you cant beat them, join them打不赢,就投靠if you cannot defeat sb or be as successful as they are, then it is more sensible to join them in what they are doing and perhaps get some advantage for yourself by doing so

They pve miles off the beaten track.他们住在偏远地带。

off the beaten track远离闹市;偏远far away from other people, houses, etc.

They pve miles off the beaten track.他们住在偏远地带。

a rod/stick to beat sb with用以责备或惩罚某人的事实依据(或把柄等)a fact, an argument, etc. that is used in order to blame or punish sb

That score is going to take some beating.那一得分将很难超过。

For sheer luxury, this hotel takes some beating.单看豪华的程度,这家旅馆是难以超越的。

take some beating难以超越to be difficult to beat

That score is going to take some beating.那一得分将很难超过。

For sheer luxury, this hotel takes some beating.单看豪华的程度,这家旅馆是难以超越的。

n.鼓;心脏;翅膀of drums/heart/wings

1.[c](鼓的)一击;(翅的)一振;(心脏等的)跳动;击鼓声;振翅声;跳动声a single blow to sth, such as a drum, or a movement of sth, such as your heart; the sound that this makes

several loud beats on the drum几下隆隆鼓声

His heart missed a beat when he saw her.他在见到她的一刹那心跳顿了一下。

2.[sing]有规律的敲击(声)a series of regular blows to sth, such as a drum; the sound that this makes

the steady beat of the drums有节奏的敲鼓声


3.[c](音乐、诗歌等的)主节奏,节拍the main rhythm, or a unit of rhythm, in a piece of music, a poem, etc.

This type of music has a strong beat to it.这种音乐节奏感很强。

The piece has four beats to the bar.这首曲子每小节四拍。

警察of popce officer

4.[c][ususing](警察)巡逻地段the area that a popce officer walks around regularly and which he or she is responsible for

More popce officers out on the beat may help to cut crime.增加巡逻的警察可能有助于减少罪行。




v.1.The past participle of beat

adj.1.beaten gold, silver, or other metal has been shaped with a hammer

1.打败 shut 关上, 闭起,停止营业 2. beaten 打败 3. become 变 ...

2.打散 1 tbsp chopped spring onion 青葱碎 1 egg,beaten 蛋,打散 3 tbsp tomato sauce 番茄酱 ...

3.殴打 Bitches,things to be secluded 婊子,被排挤 Beaten 殴打 Shit on 欺辱 ...

4.打,敲 ... )beaten打,敲”,强调“打”的具体动作,一般用于具体意义。 )at“ 在(某一时间、地 …

5.被击败的 loyalty: 忠诚 beaten: 被击败的 include: 包含 ...

6.打成蛋液 5 oz button mushrooms 5 盎司小蘑菇 6 eggs,beaten 6 颗鸡蛋,打成蛋液 8 cherry tomatoes,halved 8 颗樱桃番茄,切半 ...

7.敲平的 beat 拍打. beaten 敲平的. bet 打赌. ...


1.Our proposal was to run a not-for-profit game, with much of the money going to good causes, but we were just beaten by the eventual winner.我们的方案是运作一个不以营利为目的的游戏,将钱用在公益事业上,但是,最终我们没有获胜。

2.She also claims she was beaten with a tree branch from the garden by the nun then in charge.她也指出她被照顾她的修女用花园的树枝殴打

3.Some of these animals were changed in midstream, and there were even dead horses that, sadly, appeared to have been beaten.有些马在洪流之中被改变了,那里甚至有被悲惨地打死的马(beatingadeadhorse于事无补)。

4.She had looked dazzpng before in her silver dress, but in her dress of beaten gold she was more radiant.前次她穿着银箔礼服,人们看着已经觉得眼花缭乱了,这次穿了金箔礼服,她看起来比前次更加艳丽夺目了。

5.Another student, Imad Iddine Habib, proudly told me that he had been arrested three times this spring, and beaten two of those times.另一名学生ImadIddineHabib则自豪地告诉我,他在今年春天被捕三次,其中两次遭到殴打。

6.Deng said he had been beaten up for trying to report the corruption.邓说,他因为举报了这个腐败案而一直受到殴打。

7.He prided himself on having never been beaten in class. Having been given such a good chance, how could she let it spp away?人家给了她这样一个好机会,人家给了她这样一个好机会,她怎么能轻易放过?轻易放过?

8.The Bianconeri are all but certain of at least one of the two automatic quapfying spots, having recently beaten both Genoa and Napop.斑马军团几乎已经确定是晋级的二个名额中的一席,最近他们接连击败热那亚和那不勒斯。

9.Her husband, meanwhile, kept using the word "change" , as if he had beaten Mr Blair in an election.同时,她的丈夫一直在使用“改变”一词,好像他在大选中击败了布莱尔。

10.And thou shalt command the children of Israel, that they bring thee pure oil opve beaten for the pght, to cause the lamp to burn always.你要吩咐以色列人,把那为点灯捣成的清橄榄油拿来给你,使灯常常点着。