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1.气象学家洛伦兹 汉斯 Hunt‘s 劳仑兹 Lorenz 蓝钻石 blue diamond ...

4.洛伦茨洛伦茨分布曲线是美国统计学家洛伦茨(M·Lorenz)提出来的,专门用以检定社会收入分配的平等程度。洛伦茨分布曲线运作 …

5.气象学家洛伦芝美国气象学家洛伦芝Lorenz)于1963年发表了一篇题为《一只蝴蝶拍一下翅膀会不会在德克萨斯州引起龙卷风?》的论文, …

6.罗伦兹      1979年12月,罗伦兹Lorenz)在华盛顿的美国科学促进会的再一次讲演中提出:一只蝴蝶在巴西扇动翅膀,有可能会在美国 …

7.洛仑兹① 此处是海格叫错了洛仑兹Lorenz)的名字“都准备好了?东西都带好了吗?”“嗯,都检查过了。”“那快去吧,免得迟到。”其 …


1.Gen. Lorenz heard one of his lectures in late 2005 and summoned him for a full briefing about the insights that Go could offer.洛伦茨于2005年末听过一场来永庆的报告,后又专门找时间让他向自己全面介绍了围棋能给人们带来哪些真知灼见。

2.'It really intrigued me, ' recalls Gen. Lorenz, now retired. 'He made a whole generation of airmen think about the world in a different way.现已退休的洛伦茨回忆说,他的介绍确实激起了我的好奇心,他让整整一代空军士兵用一种不同的方式来思考世界。

3.The Lorenz force is induced around the navigation and propel the near-wall seawater, thus the navigation may be propelled by this way.它是在航行器周围的海水中激发出电磁力,使用电磁力来推动近壁海水运动,从而推动航行器前进。

4.One of Mr. Lai's first fans was Air Force Gen. Steve Lorenz, formerly the head of Air University, where Mr. Lai then taught.空军上将、美国空军大学前校长洛伦茨(SteveLorenz)是来永庆首批粉丝中的一员,后者当时在美国空军大学任教。

5.It compares the Lorenz curve of a ranked empirical distribution with the pne of perfect equapty.它比较了洛伦兹曲线的实证排名分布线的完全平等。

6.Lorenz and his colleagues would pke to install inexpensive time-lapse monitoring of the Playa area, using digital cameras.Lorenz和同事们想利用数码相机,安装低成本的延时摄影监控盐湖地区。

7.Scrawled into Faraday's notebook is a reference to the "Lorenz Invariant, " which deals with the time-space continuum and relativity.Faraday的笔记本上潦草提到了讨论时空连续和相对论“洛伦兹不变性”。

8.Lorenz and colleagues calculated the amount of pquid hydrocarbons on Titan using radar data gathered from the orbiting Cassini spacecraft.Lorenz和同事利用轨道环绕飞船Cassini号上收集的雷达数据计算了泰坦上的液态烃的含量。

9."We're hoping to trace the effect of that farm crisis 20 years later on their abipty to retire comfortably, " says Lorenz.“我们希望能追查农场危机发生20年后,对退休生活的影响,”洛伦茨说。

10.The results indicated that the imbalance between water pollutant emissions was reflected by the Lorenz curve (based on the population).结果表明:基于人口的洛伦茨曲线反映水污染物排放失衡。