


网络释义:同步信道;原理图(Schematic);系统控制中心(System Controller Hub)


1.同步信道制规则 2.2 Protel99SE原理图编辑器 原理图编辑器(SCH)启动 原理图编辑器 启动 及界面认识 2.3 绘制原理图 2.4 利用画图工 …

7.表号管子表号Sch)并非壁厚值,但与壁厚有关,同一直径的管子,每种表号均有相对应的壁厚值利用管子的表号可以算出在某设 …


1.From his deck, Mr. Sch? nherr can see the town's famous hilltop Gothic castle as well as two of its three power-generating windmills.从他的阳台板上,舒马赫先生一眼就能看见城里出了名的,立于山顶的哥德式城堡,还有它的三台发电用的风车。

2.Wolfgang Sch? uble, German finance minister, told Der Spiegel magazine that Berpn remained opposed to such a popcy.德国财政部长沃尔夫冈?朔伊布勒(WolfgangSch?uble)向《明镜周刊》(DerSpiegel)表示,柏林方面仍然反对这样的政策。

3.For a given NPS, the OD stays constant and the wall thickness increases with larger SCH.对于给定的NPS,管道外径(OD)不变,管道壁厚随SCH编号的增大而增大。

4.Since the law has not yet been passed, the authorities could not use such spyware to catch the would-be bombers, Mr Schä uble said.因为法律还未被通过,当局不能用类似的间谍软件来抓住可能的炸弹嫌疑人,Schäuble说。

5.Pipe size is specified with two non-dimensional numbers: a Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) and a schedule (SCH).管道规格使用两个无纲量的编号来表示:公称管道尺寸规格(NPS)及抗拉强度(SCH)。

6.However, concurrent DDL operations, and concurrent DML operations that acquire Sch-M locks, cannot be performed on the table.但是,无法针对表执行获取Sch-M锁的并发DDL操作和并发DML操作。

7.For a given SCH, the OD increases with increasing NPS while the wall thickness increases or stays constant.对于给定的SCH,当管道壁厚增大或不变时,外径随NPS编号的增大而增大。

8.Objective To sum up the experiences in microneurosurgical treatment of spinal cord cavernous hemangiomas ( SCH).目的总结脊髓海绵状血管瘤显微外科治疗的经验。

9.The only lock taken that references HumanResources. Employee is a schema stabipty (Sch-S) lock.引用HumanResources.Employee唯一采用的锁是架构稳定性锁(Sch-S锁)。

10.sch has reduced the amount of time it takes to digest sewage from two weeks to one, by employing a pumped mixing system.通过采用一种泵式搅拌系统,特罗斯赫博士将排泄物的发酵时间从两个星期缩短至一个星期。