



美式发音: [prɪˈdɪkt] 英式发音: [prɪ'dɪkt]



第三人称单数:predicts  现在分词:predicting  过去式:predicted  搭配同义词

v.+n.predict future,predict outcome,predict weather,predict behavior,predict success

adv.+v.accurately predict,safely predict




v.1.to say what you think will happen in the future

1.预测 host nation 主办国 predicts 预测 modest 谦虚的 ...

2.预言 Allen( 艾伦) predicts( 预言) ' can find( 发现) ...

3.预报 ... host nation 东道国 predicts vt. 预报,预言 modest adj. 谦虚的,谦逊的 ...

4.预示 ... B,inevitable“ 必然的,不可避免的”。 D, predicts预示”。 B,experience“ 经历、体验”。其余三个选项都 …

5.预计 ... 大胆的, (但往往)愚勇的: fearlessly,recklessly 预言家: predicts 真实的, 非仿造的: exactly ...



1.Robinson predicts that the Secret Service prostitution scandal will probably be forgotten within a year.罗宾逊预计,一年内人们可能就会忘了特勤局特工的召妓丑闻。

2.The next step is to observe the phenomenon in these circumstances to see if the idea correctly predicts the behavior of the phenomenon .下一步是观察这些情况下发生的现象,以此来判断该理念是否正确的预示了这些现象的发生。

3."The world is going to be a loosely coupled set of individual small devices, connected wirelessly, " predicts Dr.世界将成为一个由无线连接的单个小设备组成的松散联接的集合体。

4.He predicts another five or ten notable insolvencies in the retail sector and at least a year of agony before things get better.他预测,另有五个或十个零售领域的著名品牌会破产,并且至少经历一年的痛苦后,事情才会变好。

5.She predicts that the industry will see sopd growth rates of up to 10% a year in the near term.她预计奢侈品业可以保持每年10%的稳定增长率,也就是说,在十年内可以翻番。

6.The Federal Reserve predicts the U. S. economy will come out of recession and resume growing toward the end of this year.美联储预期美国经济将在今年年底前走出衰退并恢复增长。

7.He predicts that China will pkely grow at a very respectable 8 per cent a year annually for a decade at least.他预计,中国相当可观的8%的年增长率至少可能维持十年。

8.Now, economic forecasting is an inexact science, to say the least, and things could turn out better than the report predicts.经济预测在现在还不是一门准确的科学,起码我可以这么说,事情说不定会比这份报告预测的好得多。

9.Mr Jacobs predicts that if the Japanese market were to open up, it would be five to ten times the size of Macau's.雅各布先生预测道,如果日本赌博市场更加开放,规模将是澳门的5-10倍。

10.But Molchanov predicts that the potential money coming out of this project will convince most shareholders to put concerns over image aside.莫尔恰诺夫预测道,这个项目的潜在利润将说服大多数股东,把对公司形象的担心暂时抛在一边。