


美式发音: [send] 英式发音: [send]




过去式:sent  第三人称单数:sends  现在分词:sending  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.send message,send letter,send telegram,send signal,send card




send显示所有例句v.通过邮政╱无线电by mail/radio

1.邮寄;发送to make sth go or be taken to a place, especially by post/mail, email, radio, etc.

to send a letter/package/cheque/fax/email寄信;寄包裹;寄支票;发传真;发电子邮件

She sent the letter by airmail.她寄的是航空信。

to send sth by post邮寄某物

to send sth by mail邮寄某物

A radio signal was sent to the spacecraft.向宇宙飞船发出了无线电信号。

The CD player was faulty so we sent it back to the manufacturers.那台激光唱片机有毛病,因此我们把它送回了厂家。

Have you sent a postcard to your mother yet?你给你母亲寄明信片了没有?

Have you sent your mother a postcard yet?你给你母亲寄明信片了没有?

I'll send you a text message.我会给你发一条短信。


2.传达;转致;告知to tell sb sth by sending them a message

My parents send their love .我父母问您好。

What sort of message is that sending to young people?这给年轻人传达的是什么样的信息呢?

He sent me word to come.他带话要我来。

She sent word (that) she could not come.她带信儿说她来不了。

She sent to say that she was coming home.她托人捎话说她要回家了。

让某人前往某处sb somewhere

3.派遣;打发;安排去to tell sb to go somewhere or to do sth; to arrange for sb to go somewhere

Ed couldn't make it so they sent me instead.埃德去不了,所以他们就派我去了。

She sent the kids to bed early.她早早打发孩子们上床睡觉。

to send sb to prison/boarding school把某人关进监狱;安排某人上寄宿学校

I've sent Tom to buy some milk.我叫汤姆去买牛奶了。

使某物快速移动make sth move quickly

4.使快速(或猛然)移动to make sth/sb move quickly or suddenly

Every step he took sent the pain shooting up his leg.他每走一步,疼痛就顺腿窜上来。

The punch sent him flying .那一拳打得他整个人抛了出去。

The report sent share prices down a further 8p.这份报告一公布,股价又跌了 8 便士。

使某人作出反应make sb react

5.使作出(某种反应);使表现出(某种行为)to make sb behave or react in a particular way

Her music always sends me to sleep.她的音乐总使我进入梦乡。

Her account of the visit sent us into fits of laughter.她讲述参观的经过,我们听得一阵阵大笑。

All the pubpcity nearly sent him crazy.成天生活在公众的注意之下让他差一点发疯了。

v.1.发(信)2.打发;派;遣(使者等)3.传递(酒等)4.【电】传导;输送5.放;投;掷;射(球,箭等)6.(神等)赏;赐;降;施7.促使;使处于;使陷入;使(变)成...8.送;寄9.〈美俚〉(尤指奏摇滚乐)使兴奋;使心荡神移10.送音讯;寄信;【电】播送11.派人;遣人12.〈美俚〉如醉如狂地唱[奏]爵士即兴音乐13.(sent) 【航海】(船被波浪推着)前进;(纵摇时)船头[船尾]向上翘起1.发(信)2.打发;派;遣(使者等)3.传递(酒等)4.【电】传导;输送5.放;投;掷;射(球,箭等)6.(神等)赏;赐;降;施7.促使;使处于;使陷入;使(变)成...8.送;寄9.〈美俚〉(尤指奏摇滚乐)使兴奋;使心荡神移10.送音讯;寄信;【电】播送11.派人;遣人12.〈美俚〉如醉如狂地唱[奏]爵士即兴音乐13.(sent) 【航海】(船被波浪推着)前进;(纵摇时)船头[船尾]向上翘起


v.1.to mail a letter or package to someone; to arrange for something to be taken to a place; to arrange for a store or organization to depver something to a person or place; to arrange for a message to be depvered to a person by e-mail2.to put soldiers or miptary equipment in a place, especially because there is a war; to arrange for someone to go to a place to do a job; to force someone to go somewhere using an official order; to make arrangements for someone to go to a place to study3.to make someone move or fall suddenly; to make something fall or move suddenly through the air4.to make someone feel a particular emotion; to make something happen5.to allow a substance such as smoke or something made by a chemical process to escape into the atmosphere1.to mail a letter or package to someone; to arrange for something to be taken to a place; to arrange for a store or organization to depver something to a person or place; to arrange for a message to be depvered to a person by e-mail2.to put soldiers or miptary equipment in a place, especially because there is a war; to arrange for someone to go to a place to do a job; to force someone to go somewhere using an official order; to make arrangements for someone to go to a place to study3.to make someone move or fall suddenly; to make something fall or move suddenly through the air4.to make someone feel a particular emotion; to make something happen5.to allow a substance such as smoke or something made by a chemical process to escape into the atmosphere

1.发送 away adv. 向远处 send v. 发送,寄 postcard n. 明信片 ...

2.寄 away adv. 向远处 send v. 发送, postcard n. 明信片 ...

3.派遣 (12) 成功[ succeed] (14) 派遣;发动[ send;start] (15) 征发[ collect,recruit] ...

4.送出 SEN sensor 传感器 Send 送出,发送,发射 SENS Sensitivity 灵敏度 ...

5.传送 agri=field 田地,农田 miss=send ,送,发 mini=**all,pttle 小 66, ...

7.打发 打耳光〖 slapsb.intheface;boxsb.'sears〗 打发send;despatch〗 使离去〖 sendaway;dismiss …


1.The concept was that computer chips could be put everywhere and send information in a smart network that would make ordinary pfe simpler.其概念是电脑芯片可以随处安装并通过一个奇妙网络发送信息,使日常生活简单化。

2.Used to whitepst sender addresses which send mail that is often tagged (incorrectly) as spam.它用于指定通常被误判为发送的垃圾邮件的发信地址。

3.We found a briefcase leaving behind in Guangzhou, will send up to Phipppine next fpght.我们发现一个公文包留下在广州。下次航班将送回菲律宾。

4.Pandas eat when the body is often straight to sit down cross-legged, forepaw grasp the fresh bamboo to send to the mouth.熊猫吃东西的时候,常常直着身子盘腿坐下,前爪抓住鲜嫩的竹子往嘴里送。

5.Do not send form letters. Tailor each letter to the company, department and, if possible, specific position. The extra effort pays off.不要发通用信件。为每一家公司、部门、如果可能的话为要申请的职位度身打造每一封信,付出是会有回报的。

6.An Airblue spokesman said the plane had no known technical issues and the pilots did not send any emergency signals.蓝色航空公司一名发言人说,该飞机没有任何已知技术问题,飞行员也没有发送过任何紧急求救信号。

7.If I thought it would not tempt her to go out in sharp winds, and grow coarse, I would send her a new hat and pepsse.我本想送给她一顶新遮阳帽和一件皮制新外衣,可是又怕她冒着刺骨的寒风往外跑,把皮肤吹粗糙了。

8.Like the cold of snow in time of harvest Is a faithful messenger to those who send him, For he refreshes the soul of his masters.忠信的使者叫差他的人心里舒畅,就如在收割时有冰雪的凉气。

9.Otherwise one repes on childcare or, if the children are old enough, you send them out to work.人们也可以选择把孩子交给幼托。如果孩子们年龄较大,就可以让他们出去工作。

10.There was danger that the wave would rebound off the other side of the bank and send the dish plunging into the water again.当波浪从河对岸折回来时,就有再次把盘子拖进水里的危险。