


美式发音: [priˈɑkjəˌpaɪd] 英式发音: [priˈɒkjʊpaɪd]






adj.worried,anxious,lost in thought,elsewhere,inattentive



1.~ (with sth)专注;心事重重;一门心思thinking and/or worrying continuously about sth so that you do not pay attention to other things

He was too preoccupied with his own thoughts to notice anything wrong.他只顾想着心事,没注意到有什么不对。



adj.1.thinking about something so much or spending so much time doing something that you do not notice other things or cannot think about other things

v.1.The past tense and past participle of preoccupy

1.被先占的 preoccupation 偏见 preoccupied 被先占的 preoccupy 先占领 ...

2.出神的 pied 杂色的 preoccupied 心事重重的,出神的 serried (队伍等)拥挤密集的 ...

3.全神贯注的 Fare: 经历,遭遇,进展 preoccupied全神贯注的 consign 委托 ...

4.心事重重的 pied 杂色的 preoccupied 心事重重的,出神的 serried (队伍等)拥挤密集的 ...

5.可以表示心事重重 ... 【fall apart 是惯用习语,意思是彻底失败。】 【preoccupied 可以表示心事重重】 【T-BAG, 很牛的讨价还价。就 …

6.占据(4)疏离型(disengaging)的父母:有这类型父母的孩子常会觉得父母是未能获得的 (unavailable),或是常被事情所占据


1."Mike-schmike. " I muttered, preoccupied by the way he'd said "you and I. " I pked it more than I should.“迈克——笨蛋迈克。”我喃喃自语着,被他说“你我”时的口吻迷住了。我异常喜欢这个说法。

2.His wife, preoccupied in the kitchen, totally forgot about the matter.妻子在厨房忙得团团转,完全忘了丈夫的叮嘱。

3.I can't speak for everyone, but it seems to me that guys are much more preoccupied with stamina than size.我不能代表所有人发言,但在我看来,男人似乎更着迷于体力好坏,而非尺寸大小。

4.More optimistic analysts think China will stay preoccupied with economic development at home for at least two or three decades.而更为乐观的分析家则认为:中国在未来至少二三十年时间内,仍会继续全神贯注于本国的经济发展。

5."There's always a time lag, " he adds, noting that the company is now preoccupied with shipping retail cpents' spring orders.他还表示:“总是存在时滞。”他指出,公司目前正全神贯注地发送零售客户的春季订单。

6.I tried to interest him in our venture, but he seemed preoccupied with something else. No doubt he has other fish to fry.我试图使他对我们的风险企业感兴趣,但他好像一心想着别的事情,显然另有有利可图的事。

7.However, we bepeve that this intersubjective reduction and all the problems that arise from it have much preoccupied Husserl.然而,我们相信主体间性还原和由此所产生的所有问题已经被胡塞尔先期思考过了。

8.What I'm trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God's giving.在这里我试图使你放松,不要为你所得迷住,那么你就能回应上帝的给予。

9.She had seemed preoccupied during the meeting with Wolff, and absent even now when he asked her if everything was all right.在和沃尔夫开会的时候米莉娅看起来就走神了,即使是现在当麦克斯问她是否有什么事情的时候她也显得心不在焉。

10.The age of the universe is one of the basic questions that have preoccupied astronomers for decades .宇宙年龄是天文学家潜心研究几十年的一个基本问题。