


美式发音: [streɪt] 英式发音: [streɪt]




复数:straits  同义词




1.[pl]海峡;(连结两大水域的)水道a narrow passage of water that connects two seas or large areas of water

the Strait(s) of Gibraltar直布罗陀海峡

2.[pl](尤指经济拮据引起的)困境,境况窘迫a very difficult situation especially because of lack of money

The factory is in dire straits .工厂岌岌可危。

She found herself in desperate financial straits.她发觉自己经济状况极为窘迫。



n.1.a narrow area of water that joins two larger areas of water

1.海峡 海味〖 seafood〗 海峡strait〗 海鲜〖 seafood〗 ...

2.困难 strain n. 紧张,物种 strait n. 海峡,困难 strap n. 皮带 ...

3.困境 stout adj. 肥胖的,强壮的 strait n. 海峡,困境 strange a. 陌生的;奇怪的 a.外地的, …

4.地峡 straight adj. 直的,率直的 strait adj. 艰难的, 苦恼的, 窘迫的 n.地峡, strategy n. 策略 ...

5.危难 stigma n.耻辱, 污名 strait n.海峡; 危难 stray v.迷路, 走失;离题 ...

6.通道 strainometer 应变计 strait 海峡;通道;狭窄的 strand deposit 沿滨沉积 ...

7.窘迫的 straight adj . 直的,率直的 strait adj . 艰难的, 苦恼的, 窘迫的 strategy n. 策略 ...


1.This ship sails through the Strait of Gibraltar, where the water is often rough.船航行经过直布罗陀海峡,那儿的海上常用风暴。

2.He said the mainland would promote direct transport and communications pnks across the Taiwan Strait.他说,大陆将促进两岸的直接通航和通信联系。

3.The Princeton Ocean Model (POM) has been used to simulate tidal wave distribution and pollutant diffusion in the Taiwan Strait.本文将普林斯顿海洋模型(POM)应用于台湾海峡潮波形态分布及污染物扩散场的数值计算。

4.This cross-strait drama is now in a tense new phase, played out with dramatic effect in recent weeks.这海峡两岸的剧本呈现新的绷紧的阶段,在最近几周,有戏剧性的演出。

5."We firmly bepeve that our arms sales to Taiwan contribute to the maintenance of peace and stabipty across the Taiwan Strait, " she said.她说:“我们坚信,我们的对台军售会促进台湾海峡两岸的和平与稳定。”

6.Good King Richard was stranded in a battle on a far away strait and no one knew when he would return. Someone had to defend the kingdom.好国王理查在一次遥远的海峡之战中被困住了,谁也不知道他什么时候能回来,得有人出来保护王国。

7.More momentous for citizens on both sides of the strait was the agreement that opened the door to group tours from the mainland.对于海峡两岸的民众而言,更加具有重大意义的是对大陆旅游团开放门户的协议。

8."Tide of cross-strait width, the wind is Yifan hanging" , the company will move to set the goal of steady development!“潮平两岸阔,风正一帆悬”,公司将朝着即定的目标稳步发展!

9.What seems to be the problem is the unification between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait.问题似乎是在台湾海峡两岸之间的统一。

10.After four years of editing, the cross-strait Chinese dictionary can be expanded to a cloud language information platform.历经四年的编纂,两岸中华大辞典可扩充至云端语言知识平台。