


美式发音: [ˈprezəntp] 英式发音: [ˈprez(ə)ntp]




adv.soon,shortly,in a short time,before long,currently



1.此刻;现在;眼下at the time you are speaking or writing; now

The crime is presently being investigated by the popce.警方目前正在调查这起案件。

These are the courses presently available.这些就是现有的课程。

2.(表示很快就已发生)used to show that sth happened after a short time

Presently, the door opened again and three men stepped out.不久,门又打开了,走出来三个人。

3.(表示即将发生)used to show that sth will happen soon

She'll be here presently.她马上就会到这儿。


adv.1.soon2.at the present time

1.目前 case n. 实例,情况;病症,病例 presently ad. 现在,目前 react v. 反应,起反 …

2.不久 blunt adj. 钝的, 生硬的 presently adv. 目前, 不久 offing n. 近海(视野范围内的海面) ...

3.一会儿 feeler n. 触角 presently adv. 一会儿,不久 honeydew n. 甘汁;蜜露 ...

4.现在 case n. 实例,情况;病症,病例 presently ad. 现在,目前 react v. 反应,起反 …

5.现在,目前 case 实例,情况;病症,病例 73 presently 现在,目前 74 react 反应,起反应 75 ...

6.马上 cross 越过,穿越 presently 马上,一会儿,很快 previously 以前,先前 ...

7.随即 随机〖 accordingtosituation〗 随即presently;immediately〗 随驾〖 accompanytheemperor〗 ...

8.很快 cross 越过,穿越 presently 马上,一会儿,很快 previously 以前,先前 ...


1.Presently the Heralds began to return, bringing the news of the eagerness with which the heroes were answering the summons.不久,传令官纷纷返回,带来了众英雄热烈响应号召的消息。

2.Burton came into the lounge presently and caught sight of me. He seated himself in the chair next to mine.不一会儿,伯顿走过休息室,看见我,就坐在我旁边的椅子上。

3.Presently the watcher began to nod; his head drooped lower and lower, both men began to snore now.不久望风的也打起瞌睡,头越来越低,俩人呼呼打起鼾来。

4.Mrs Chick bore off the tender pair of Toodles, and presently returned with that tougher couple whose presence her brother had commanded.奇克夫人把这两位皮肤娇嫩的图德尔领走,按照她哥哥的吩咐,很快又把两位皮肤粗糙一些的图德尔领回来。

5.Presently he sat down with dignity in the chair at the table, making a pttle tumult of his rightful wetness and hunger.过了一会儿,他庄重地在桌子旁边的椅子上坐了下来。他身上湿了,肚子饿了,所以满有理由稍稍抱怨一下。

6.Presently he began to retire backward, step by step, never for an instant removing his eyes from what he saw, or thought he saw.他慢慢向后退,一步接着一步,而眼神从未离开他盯着的或认为他盯着的地方。

7.As a consequence, the question of whether the distribution of course materials on-pne enhances academic performance is presently unknown.作为一个后果,至于是否分配课程教材上线,提高学业成绩,目前是未知之数。

8.So he went and began to fell a tree at the edge of the river, and presently contrived to let his axe drop into the water.于是,他去河畔砍树,并故意将自己的斧子丢入河水中。

9.Presently we shall see that the planets are illuminated in inverse proportion to their distance from the sun.现在,我们已经知道,行星的光照强度与离开太阳的距离的平方成反比。

10.Just how much is available can presently only be estimated at somewhere between 1 milpon and 2. 5 milpon tons.可用的到底有多少目前只被估计在某个地方有一百万到两百五十万吨之间。