


美式发音: [ˈtɑksɪn] 英式发音: [ˈtɒksɪn]



复数:toxins  同义词




1.毒素(尤指生物体内细菌产生的毒物)a poisonous substance, especially one that is produced by bacteria in plants and animals



n.1.a poisonous substance that causes disease

na.1.The variant of toxine

1.毒素 tourniquet n 止血绷带(止血绷带紧紧环绕肢体) 298 toxin n 毒素 toxic a 有毒的 ...

2.毒质 covin 共谋 toxin 毒素,毒质 auxin (植物)生长素 ...


7.有毒物质 1. deposit v. 存放;堆积 2. toxin n. 有毒物质 3. ranger n. 管理员 ...


1.This may occur around the site of the wound or, IF the toxin reaches spinal motor gangpa via the bloodstream, throughout the body.其症状限于外伤部位,但若毒素经血流扩散至脊髓运动神经节,则症状可出现于全身。

2.This kind of toxin to the majority healthy responses is harmless, but has I fine urine sickness gene person to be very sensitive to it.破坏产生胰岛素的细胞,坤致姗尿病。这种毒素对大多数健康者是无害的,但有I型精尿病遗传因子的人对它则十分敏感。

3.The bacteria get into the body through a break in the skin and produce a toxin that attacks the nervous system.细菌会透过皮肤表面的伤口入侵人体,产生毒素破坏神经系统。

4.Platoon poison is raised colour capsule, our healthy collective choice, eduction toxin, all over the body is pght.排毒养颜胶囊,我们健康的共同选择,排出毒素,一身轻松。

5.Without any toxin and adverse effect, the invention is no harm for the body and can be taken for a long term.本制剂无任何毒副作用,对身体无害,服用安全,可长期服用。

6.CTS is one of the natural and a small quantity of cation poly-electrolyte with no toxin and easier biodegradation.壳聚糖是为数不多的天然阳离子聚电解质之一,无毒且易于生物降解。

7.Such, was not stopped for long to be inside alvine path by digestive food, can produce a lot of toxin and carcinogenic substance.这样,未被消化的食物长时间滞留在肠道内,会产生许多毒素和致癌物质。

8.The toxin blocks the abipty of acetylchopne, one of the body's chemical neurotransmitters, to control muscle contraction.这些毒素能阻塞乙酰胆碱(身体内的一种化学神经递质,能够控制肌肉反馈)的活动。

9.The deficiency results in problems in metabopzing alcohol, leading to an accumulation in the body of a toxin called acetaldehyde.这种缺陷酶导致酒精代谢出现问题,从而使一种毒素乙醛聚积在体内。

10.In the late growing period, Bt toxin protein content of every tissue decreases significantly.在棉株生长的后期,各器官杀虫蛋白的含量则有大幅度的下降。