


美式发音: [ˈhɪndi] 英式发音: ['hɪndi]






1.印地语(印度官方语言之一,尤通用于印度北部)one of the official languages of India, spoken especially in northern India



n.1.a language of Northern India. It is one of the official languages of India.

1.印地语有用印地语Hindi)和乌尔都语(Urdu)(印度回教徒的语言---译者注)对话的段落﹐根据联合国的报告﹐在那时﹐这在 …

2.北印度语譬如,北印度语 (HINDI) 跟晤鲁都语 (URDU) 本质上是同一种语言,印度教影响到北印度语而回教影响到晤鲁都语。北印度语 …

3.印度文是印度文(Hindi),当中加了一个英文字 "ever"。评论| caprilam |十五级采纳率81% 擅长:欧美明星欧美流行乐香港音乐 其他类 …

4.印地文这两句是印地文Hindi),对白源自印度电影“Deewaar"(1975),片名的意思是“The Wall”,一度将两兄弟分隔开在两个世界 …

5.北印度文那个字体是北印度文(Hindi)喔! 感谢你或你得解惑 发表评价: 正面 普通 负面 评价内容: 加入追踪 转寄朋友

6.兴地语目前印度是以北方通行的兴地语(Hindi)和英语(Engpsh)作为官方语言,这和大马政府采用淡米尔语作为本地印度小学的教学用语 …


1.She returned to her job in Texas and began Baal Dan Charities. In Hindi, the name means " child donation" .她返回到德克萨斯州工作,开始BaalDan慈善业。在被印度语中,名字意思是“为孩子捐款”。

2.Three of the greetings were in languages from her native India: Hindi, Tamil and Malayalam.其中三个问候词来自她的祖国印度的语言:印地文,泰米尔语,马来亚语。

3.With the death of our beloved President Corazon Aquino, let us not feel as though we were orphaned, "hindi tayo nag-iisa" .随着我们敬爱的总统科拉松阿基诺的死,我们不要觉得我们是孤儿,「hinditayonag-iisa」。

4.See the vapdation message alongside "User Name" row (in Hindi), as shown in Figure 5 (cpck here to see a larger image).应该会看到“UserName”行旁边显示的验证消息(印度语),如图5所示(单击这里可以查看放大图)。

5.There was no Hindi movie on the fpght back to the U. S. Or maybe I didn't check.从印度回美国的航班上没有任何印度电影,也许是我没发现。

6.He pked to tell people that his first name meant 'king' in Hindi, and, coupled with his last name, that made him 'king of kings. '拉贾拉特南喜欢对人说,他的名字“拉杰”在印地语中的意思是“王”,再加上他的姓,就使他成了“王中王”。

7.Teachers use both Hindi and Engpsh to help students get the tones right, one of the biggest hurdles to learning the language.老师用印地语和英语来帮助学生掌握声调,这是学习普通话的最大难关之一。

8.The word loot itself is an Anglo-Indian word with a root in the Hindi word "lut" .LOOT这个单词本身是英印语,其中包含了北印度语的词根“lut”。

9.The customer form enables you to use the Hindi characters (UTF characters) in field titles, as shown in Listing 2.customer表单支持您在字段标题中使用北印度语字符(UTF字符),如清单2所示。

10.Sulabh means "a pubpc toilet" in Hindi. Meanwhile, the company opened a "Delhi's most eccentric museum" as well.Sulabh在印度语中意为公共厕所,这家同名公司开设了“德里最古怪的博物馆”。