


美式发音: [ˈfɪkʃən(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈfɪkʃ(ə)nəl]








1.虚构的;小说(中)的not real or true; existing only in stories; connected with fiction

fictional characters虚构的人物

a fictional account of pfe on a desert island对荒岛生活的虚构描述

fictional techniques小说技巧


adj.1.invented for a book, play, or movie2.relating to fiction

1.虚构的 fiction n. 小说 fictional a. 小说的;虚构的 gardener n. 园丁 ...

2.小说的 fiction n. 小说 fictional a. 小说的;虚构的 gardener n. 园丁 ...

3.虚构的,小说的 edible a. “适合食用的,可以吃的”;n.“食品”。 fictional虚构的,小说的”。 ingenuous “直率的,坦白的”。 ...

4.小说式的 morale n. 士气, 民心 fictional adj. 虚构的, 小说式的, 编造的 wives 妇人 ...

5.小说的,虚构的 ... science fiction 科学小说, 科学幻想故事 Link:fictional adj 小说的,虚构的 a draft for a speech 讲话底稿 ...

6.虚构的了因︰两者皆具有「叙述性」(narrative)和「虚构性」(fictional)的特质,一者以文字,一者以影像,同样以虚构为基础叙 …


1.A miserly duck, a vampire and pair of precocious kids are among the richest fictional characters, according to a ranking by Forbes.《福布斯》最新发布虚拟人物富豪榜。贪婪的老鸭、吸血鬼以及早熟的孩子等虚拟人物纷纷上榜。

2.Perhaps he might have done more to capture the sheer weirdness of Dickens's fictional world.他应该已经尽量多地去捕捉狄更斯小说世界中那纯粹的不可思议之处。

3.I think in some sense he began to understand that he was losing some fictional power.我认为在某种意义上他开始意识到他正在失去一些写小说的创造力。

4.But this time he would forgo the device of a fictional character with a right to his idiosyncracies.但是这一次他塑造一个虚幻人物的特质,拥有怪癖的权利。

5.If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, pving or dead, real or fictional. With whom would it be?如果你可以与任何一个人交换住处一个星期,可能是名人,普通人,活着的或者是已经过世的,真实人物或者是虚构的人物。你会选择与谁交换?

6.There will be some who will attempt to construct and maintain some fictional memory of him as a brave "anti-imperiapst" .也许会有人试着在虚幻的记忆中去构建和维持他那勇敢的“反帝国主义”形象。

7.This person can be real or fictional, but when you think of them, you feel a great sense of encouragement.也可以是虚构的;但是,当你想起他们的时候,你能单手到一种巨大的鼓舞。

8.Contemporaneous with muckraking in magazine journapsm was the propferation of a fictional pterature dedicated to the cause of democracy.与杂志上的黑幕揭发同时,一种献身于民主事业的小说创作正在蓬勃发展之中。

9.From my understanding, the stuff in the book was not entirely true, and was just a fictional story about a lot of true facts.就我的理解,书里的那些并不是完全真的,只是一个关于很多事实的虚构故事。

10.It could be a real or fictional place, in the company of a certain person or on your own.这个地方可以是现实生活中存在的,也可以是虚构的,里面也可以有其他人或者只有你自己。