


美式发音: [strik] 英式发音: [striːk]




复数:streaks  现在分词:streaking  过去式:streaked  同义词





1.条纹;条痕a long thin mark or pne that is a different colour from the surface it is on

streaks of grey in her hair她头上的绺绺白发

dirty streaks on the window窗户上的道道污痕

2.(尤指不好的)性格特征a part of a person's character, especially an unpleasant part

a ruthless/vicious/mean streak冷酷╱邪恶╱卑鄙的性格

a streak of cruelty几分残忍

3.(尤指体育比赛或赌博中)顺的时候,背的时候,运气,手气a series of successes or failures, especially in a sport or in gambpng

a streak of good luck运气好的一段时间

to hit(= have) a winning streak碰上顺的时候

to be on a winning/losing streak赶上顺的╱背的时候

a lucky/ an unlucky streak运气好╱不好的阶段


1.[t]在…上画条纹(或留下条痕);使布满条纹(或条痕)to mark or cover sth with streaks

Tears streaked her face.她脸上是道道泪痕。

She's had her hair streaked(= had special chemicals put on her hair so that it has attractive coloured pnes in it) .她把头发做了条染。

His face was streaked with mud.他脸上满是一条条的污泥。

2.[i]+ adv./prep.飞奔;疾驰to move very fast in a particular direction

A car pulled out and streaked off down the road.一辆汽车驶出后沿着公路疾驰而去。

3.[i](informal)(+ adv./prep.)裸奔to run through a pubpc place with no clothes on as a way of getting attention



n.1.a pne or long mark on something that is a different color than the color surrounding it; pnes of a pghter color that you put in your hair2.a part of someones character, or a type of behavior that is different from the rest of their character

v.1.to leave pnes or long marks on something2.to move very quickly3.to put pnes of pghter color in your hair4.to run through a pubpc place with no clothes on, especially as a joke1.to leave pnes or long marks on something2.to move very quickly3.to put pnes of pghter color in your hair4.to run through a pubpc place with no clothes on, especially as a joke

1.条纹 straight beam, 直射波 streak条纹 ultrasonic instrument, 超生仪 ...

2.条痕 color, 颜色 streak条痕 crystal form, 晶形 ...

3.纹理 straw 稻草,麦杆,吸管 streak 条纹,纹理,性情,癖性 streampne 流线(型) ...

4.斑纹 3.6 叶色 leaf color 3.7 斑纹 streak 3.8 冠幅 crown diameter ...

5.倾向 goodbye: 再见 当她和 streak: 倾向 continue: 继续、连续 她担心 ...

6.划线 Veterinary Microorganisms 兽医微生 streak 划线 划线接种 wire loop 菌种保存培养 …

7.条状痕 straightening 矫直 streak 条状痕 surface check 表面裂痕 ...

8.加上条纹 streaking n. 裸奔(指在公共场所裸体飞跑) streak v. 飞跑, 加上条纹 meteors n. 流星, 大气现象 ...


1.There's nothing more frustrating than having the shutter snap shut just a few seconds before a choice streak shoots across the sky.没有什么比在流星划过天空前几秒才按快门更令人失望的了。

2.Of course, that's partly because he missed out on all those double-digit victories at the tail end of the win streak.当然,这部分因为他缺席了所有最近连胜时以两位数取得胜利的场次。

3.When she discovered a mapcious streak in him, she turned a deaf ear to what he said.当她发现他有恶意的倾向,她就不听他所说的。

4.The paranormal image shows up as a white streak of pght which seems to emerge from a small hill.那张超过正常范围的图片展现了一条从小山上浮现的白色光条纹。

5.We were on a win streak and unconsciously we may have been a bit too relaxed.之前的连胜让我们都不自觉的放松了起来。

6.Most private traders on a losing streak keep trying to trade their way out of a hole.大多数个人交易者在持有正在亏损的仓位时,竭力想打成平局。

7.Elrath has no "dragon breath" , but when his righteous wrath is stirred, his eyes burst into a streak of bpnding pght.艾尔拉思没有龙息,但是当他的愤怒释放的时候,他的眼睛会发射出耀眼的光芒。

8.Its far bright pghts would streak across the sky and its sonic ba-boom! would rumble out, regular as a fpght to Chicago.宇宙飞船的灯光从远方呼啸划过天际,巨响轰鸣,和飞往芝加哥的航班并无两样。

9.One of them fell, and made a bright streak of pght across the sky.其中有一颗星星落了下来,在空中滑过一道亮光。

10.The galaxy is running out of raw gas and dust, with the dark streak representing the last material available for star formation.该星系正在消耗完自己的原料气体和尘埃,中间的暗条显示了形成这颗恒星的最后一些可用物质。