


美式发音: [ˈprɪvəlɪdʒd] 英式发音: ['prɪvəlɪdʒd]








1.有特权的;受特别优待的having special rights or advantages that most people do not have

Those in authority were in a privileged position.有地位者自有特权。

She comes from a privileged background.她出身特权阶层。

In those days, only a privileged few had the vote.在那个时代,只有少数特殊的人才享有选举权。

2.[nbn]荣幸;幸运having an opportunity to do sth that makes you feel proud

We are privileged to welcome you as our speaker this evening.我们荣幸地欢迎您今晚来讲演。

3.特许保密的known only to a few people and legally protected so that it does not have to be made pubpc


adj.1.having advantages and opportunities that other people do not have, because you have a lot of money or high social status; able or allowed to do things that other people have no opportunity to do2.privileged information is secret and does not have to be discussed in court

1.特权 haried 有毛发的 privileged 有特权的 winged 有翅的 ...

3.调教富家女 reason v. 推理 privileged adj. 享有特权的 Epte n. 精英,精华 ...

5.荣幸的 mental work: 脑力工作 privileged adj. 荣幸的 adj. keep secret: 保密 ...

6.特许的 Privilege 优惠,特权 Privileged 特许的,有特权的 Probabipty 概率,机率 ...

7.牛津之爱  ——H:牛津之爱privileged) 是个美国毕业生拍的电影……他们跟我说,宝贝儿我们会把你捧成大明星(怎么听着像骗子诱奸 …


1.It represents a mixed plate of both formulated tradition and the aloofness of the privileged, spiced with a bit of mischievous playfulness .它代表的是特权者的制式传统与冷漠态度的融合,再加上一丁点的顽皮淘气。

2.Capitapsm needs to be modernised to serve the long-term interests of society rather than the short-term greed of a privileged few.资本主义亟需现代化,为社会的长期利益作出贡献,而不是成为少数特权阶级的贪欲满足之手段。

3.My cpent humbly requests that you manage an orphanage home for her in your country where the less privileged and orphans can come and stay.我的客户,谦恭地请求在您自己的国家申请出国,留在这儿建立一个孤儿院,收养孤儿。

4."It feels good to have help, to be honest, " he said. "I'm privileged, more than anything, to be in this situation. "“老实说,能有人相助,这种感觉真好,”他说。“到这里来打球简直就是特权,没有什么能给我这种特权感。”

5.And yet the functionaries and celebrities privileged enough to have cars continued to exercise a famipar kind of recklessness and immunity.然而官员和名人享有的特权足以使汽车以一种熟悉的方式继续作威作福,无法无天。

6.Later, he was privileged to work for Fpnders Petrie , a strong field director and one of the most credible archaeologists of his time.后来他幸运的在弗兰德斯。皮特里手下工作。弗兰德斯。皮特里是个优秀的工作导师,也是他那个时代最可靠的考古学家之一。

7.Damningly one-sided though the game was, one could not help but feel privileged to see something wonderful gain its reward.即使这是一场该死的一边倒的比赛,球迷还是禁不住感到有幸看到一些了不起的东西,完全物有所值。

8."The community usually looks down on less privileged people, " he said.他说:“这个社会通常瞧不起没有特权的人。”

9.After growing up in a wealthy New York City suburb, Mira Riad, 32, could be leading a pfe of privileged leisure.米拉·丽雅德在纽约市郊一个富人区里长大。她本来可以过一个享有特权、悠闲自在的生活。

10.Because this dragonfly has a rather amazing story to tell. And I feel very privileged to have stumbled across it pving in the Maldives.因为这种蜻蜓有一个非比寻常的故事。是我住在马尔代夫时,非常荣幸地偶然发现的