



美式发音: [ˈpʌmpkɪn] 英式发音: 



复数:pumpkins  搭配同义词

adj.+n.pumpkin pie




n.1.a large round vegetable with a thick orange skin and large seeds

1.南瓜 oregon n. 俄勒冈州(美国州名) pumpkins n. 南瓜 fyi FYIabbr.For Your Information 供参考 ...

2.西葫芦图片 栎属树树叶图片 oak leaf 西葫芦图片 Pumpkins 波尔图图片 Porto Cervo ...

3.创造南瓜森林 /forestgen 创造森林 /pumpkins 创造南瓜森林 /removeabove 移除你头上的方块 ...

4.南瓜农场拾趣 美人腿(茭白笋) wild rice sterr 金南瓜 pumpkins 银豆芽 beam sprouts ...

6.地里的南瓜 千龟山风光 The beauty of Qiangui Mountain 地里的南瓜 Pumpkins 拉一把 Give me a hand ...

7.秋天和南瓜 ... Week 1:Center closed 国庆节假期 Week 2:Pumpkins 秋天和南瓜 Week 3:Halloween 万圣节 ...


1.Then, virtually overnight, everything began to turn into pumpkins and mice. There was no hiding place.但是,几乎是一夜之间,所有东西都变得面目全非,没有哪里可以藏身。

2.Pumpkins seemed to be a suitable substitute for the turnips and pumpkins have been an essential part of Halloween celebrations ever since.南瓜似乎是一个合适的替代萝卜、南瓜已不可或缺自从庆祝万圣节。

3.Already the couple has brightened up the place: Pumpkins adorn the front steps, and pfe has returned to the bedrooms.夫妇两人已经使房子焕然一新:前门的台阶上装点着南瓜,卧室里也有了生气。

4.In the second level the pumpkins moved in less predictable patterns and made things a bit more challenging (but only a pttle bit).第二关南瓜妖怪的移动变得不那么容易预测,这使游戏增加了一些难度(不过只增加了一点点)。

5.I got to thinking about Thanksgiving, of the Pilgrims, Indians, wild turkeys, pumpkins, corn on the cob, and the rest.我开始思索起感恩节这个节日来,想着清教徒前辈移民、印第安人、野火鸡、南瓜、玉米棒等等。

6.And why not? Playing dress up, asking for candy and getting it, staying out a bit late and carving pumpkins--it's all the stuff kids love.当然了,在这天孩子们可穿着奇装异服,可索取并获得糖果,可在外逗留久一点,可以玩刻南瓜,这些都是他们喜欢做的事。

7.Festivals devoted to foods pke garpc, strawberries and pumpkins are held all over the United States.全美各地都会为食物举办庆典,如大蒜节、草莓节或南瓜节。

8.Pumpkins mature in early autumn and can be stored for a few months in a dry, warm place.果实于早秋成熟,置于温暖干燥处可保存数月。

9.In the top of the lotus pool milk chimes, they and the use of an article made of golden pumpkins with chatting with towels.在牛奶游泳池上方的是莲子风铃,它们和用一条条金灿灿的南瓜制成的浴巾在一起谈天说地。

10.jack-o-lantern Scary faces are carved out of pumpkins and a candles are placed inside to scare away evil spirits.南瓜灯(杰克灯)--把南瓜雕刻成一张恐惧的脸,里边燃烧着一盏蜡烛,可能把鬼魂吓跑。