




1.坐在沙发上 paint 绘画 四单元 sit on the sofa 坐在沙发上 make the bed 铺床 2 ...

2.做在沙发上 请坐_2.到家_ arrive home__3.a photo of mine__ 我的照片_4.做在沙发上_ sit on the sofa__5.pve with my grandparents_ ...


1.Seven treasures sit on the sofa and picked up the newspaper of flank to at will rotate over to see.七宝坐在沙发上,拿起旁边的报纸随意翻看。

2.She said - That's a good idea. . . you stand by the ironing board while I sit on the sofa and fart.她答:“那是一个好主意……你就站在烫衣板边上,而我坐在沙发上,对着你放屁!”

3.If you're having a quiet night in rather than going out to a restaurant, don't just sit on the sofa in front of the television.如果你在家有一个安静的晚上,没外出去到餐厅,不要仅是坐在电视机前的沙发上。

4.But on this dark afternoon, a creeping unease washes over me as I sit on the sofa and survey the gloomy wreckage of the hopday.但在这个阴郁的下午,坐在在沙发上,环视节日过后的满目狼藉,一种不安慢慢袭上心头。

5." Finally you come to me. " Han Lengyan sit on the sofa, stretching his legs, seemed pleased.“你最终还是来找我了。”韩冷烟悠闲的坐在沙发上,翘着腿,似乎很得意。

6.People who always sit on the sofa and watch television are called "couch potatoes" .总是坐在沙发里看电视的人们被称为“沙发土豆(电视迷)”。

7.You are too close to the TV. Please sit on the sofa!你太靠近电视了.请坐到沙发上!

8.He tells me this story while we sit on the sofa on his porch.当我们坐在他家门廊的沙发上,他告诉了我这个故事。

9.I took him back to my home, let him sit on the sofa, he himself went to the kitchen warm milk.我带他回到我的家,让他坐在沙发上,自己则走到厨房温他的牛奶。

10.I sit on the sofa in front of TV, drinking a cup of coffee and eating potato chips.我坐在电视机前的沙发上,喝着一杯咖啡,吃着薯片。