


美式发音: [ˈpʌnɪʃ] 英式发音: ['pʌnɪʃ]



第三人称单数:punishes  现在分词:punishing  过去式:punished  搭配同义词反义词

adv.+v.severely punish





1.处罚;惩罚to make sb suffer because they have broken the law or done sth wrong

Those responsible for this crime will be severely punished.犯下这宗罪行的人将受到严厉惩罚。

My parents used to punish me by not letting me watch TV.过去我父母常以不让我看电视来惩罚我。

He was punished for refusing to answer their questions.他拒不回答他们的问题,受到了惩罚。

2.~ sth (by/with sth)对…判罪;判定…的处罚方式to set the punishment for a particular crime

In those days murder was always punished with the death penalty.那个时候,谋杀总是判死罪。

3.~ yourself (for sth)责怪(自己);自责to blame yourself for sth that has happened


v.1.to make someone suffer because they have done something against the law or against the rules; to make someone suffer as a result of something they have done; to give a punishment to anyone who has committed a particular action

1.惩罚 (5) 通“故”( gù)。原故,原因[ reason;cause] (1) 惩罚,治罪[ punish] (2) 肢解,分裂肢体[ dismember] ...

2.处罚 pubpsh 出版,刊印;公布,发表 punish 惩罚,处罚 pupil 学生,小学生;瞳孔 ...

3.惩处 治;治疗〖 cure〗 惩处;惩办〖 punish〗 修筑〖 build;construct〗 ...

4.惩办 治;治疗〖 cure〗 惩处;惩办punish〗 修筑〖 build;construct〗 ...

5.惩治 损伤;伤害〖 injure〗 惩治punish〗 撰写〖 write〗 ...

6.惩罚,处罚 73.Protection n. 保护 74.Punish vt. 惩罚,处罚 75.quapty n. 质量,品质, …

7.科罚 ◎ 科尔沁草原[ Horqin Grassland] ◎ 科罚[ punish] ◎ 科诨[ (of Chinese operas) comic gestures and remarks] ...


1.And British voters will punish him, severely, if it turns out that he's gambled away the prospects for a strong economic recovery.他把英国的未来的经济发展当作赌注的,万一输得一塌糊涂,英国选民们可是不会善罢甘休的。

2.His right hand grasped a rough leather whip as if he was ready to punish evildoers.他的右手紧握著一根粗糙的皮鞭﹐好像是要去惩罚歹徒。

3.Early in Roman history, a husband had considerable power over his wife and children, whom he could punish, sell, or even kill as he saw fit.早在古罗马的历史,丈夫已相当大的权力,他的妻子和孩子,他可以惩罚,出售,甚至杀死他认为合适的。

4.Consumer protection associations can only play a role in mediation and has no authority to punish companies.然而,消费者权益保护协会只能从中帮助调解,并无处罚权力。

5.If you had to evaluate the kicker's performance, would you punish him for not predicting that Fluffy would run off with the ball?如果你必须评估球员的表现,当他没有预测到小狗会来追球时,你会因此而惩罚他吗?

6.That would seem to be a large price to pay just to punish the company for selpng 12 missiles to Taiwan.就为了惩罚该公司卖给台湾12枚导弹,这对中国而言似乎是一个很高的代价。

7.By this time I had recovered myself a pttle, and I said, "God will at last punish him severely. "这时我已经略微克服了我的慌乱,我说:“上帝将来一定要重重地惩罚他。”

8.The recent crackdown will punish debt-ridden clubs and perhaps make them think about how much money they are spending.这项措施会打压那些负债累累的俱乐部,可能会使他们纠结该支持多少马内。

9.if a court order is not compped with , the power of the court to punish for contempt of court may be exercised by an order of committal.如法庭命令不获遵从,法庭可藉作出交付羁押令而行使惩罚犯藐视法庭罪者的权力。

10.Since not accord with corruption to punish, there should be a statement. Don't let the pubpc money wasted in vain at least.既然不符合贪污论处,应该有一个说法啊。至少不要让公款白白地被浪费。