


美式发音: [ˈtubə] 英式发音: [ˈtjuːbə]



复数:tubas  复数:tubae  



1.大号(低音铜管乐器)a large brass musical instrument that you play by blowing, and that produces low notes


n.1.a large musical instrument that is a curved metal tube with a wide open end. You play it by blowing into it as you press buttons on the top. A tuba is a brass instrument.

1.大号 低音大管 Contrafagotto 大号 Tuba 定音鼓 Timpani ...

2.低音号 clarinet 单簧管 tuba 低音大喇叭 hum drum 单调乏味 ...

4.低音大号我们的阵容是「小而精」,有时候连低音大号(Tuba)也出动了,吹的也是照著乐谱来的送葬曲,因为都是高手,和声优美,像 …

5.管状云种附属云外〔其中包括管状云(Tuba)〕,尚可担任各种云之生成工作。 浓积云必预先存在,故易与积雨云相混淆。

6.鱼藤一、毒鱼(mtuba):采鱼藤tuba)根部打碎,丢入溪流上游,鱼受藤汁麻醉浮起,族人就在下游持手渔网(tara)捞鱼;此 …


1.The sun melts all of Moscow down to a single spot that, pke a mad tuba , starts all of the heart and all of the soul vibrating.太阳融化所有的莫斯科到一个单一的现场一样,疯狂大号,启动所有的心和所有的灵魂震动。

2.I would pke to tell you that I have finally taken up the tuba, or, at the least, am using the time for ever deeper reflection.我很想告诉你,我终于有时间拿起我的低音大号,至少在利用这些时间进行更深刻的思考。

3.If Crytek had made Rock Band, it would have come with a piano peripheral, as well as one for the saxophone, harp, tuba and a theremin.如果由Crytek制作《摇滚乐团》,他们可能会加进去一架钢琴、萨克斯管、竖琴、大号和电子琴的外围设备。

4.Two bars of furtive string-rhythms later, the soloist crashes back into the scene, growing up out of a powerful tuba-throb.两小节隐秘的弦乐韵律之后,独奏者重新冲了回来,在有力地跳动着的大号声中崛起。

5.At a news conference after the match, although the Tuba is not happy with a draw, but the game is still a lot of praise the two sides.在赛后的新闻发布会上,图拔虽然对平局不是很满意,但是还是对比赛双方赞美了一番。

6.So, it may be somebody without a great SAT score, without a great GPA but who's really damn good at the tuba.因此,可能一个没有很高的SAT分数,GPA也不太好的,但大号吹的非常棒的人就被选中。

7.He favored his heavy-metal electric guitar over the tuba, which he'd started playing after our tours ended.他在我们巡演结束后就不在演奏大号而是喜欢上玩儿重金属电吉他。

8.Right before we went on, a tuba player friend of mine offered to help me stretch.在我们上场之前,我一个吹大号的朋友来帮我热身一下。

9.Correction: Tuba is not in the West Bank, as we originally stated, but to its north.更正:Tuba并非如我们此前所说位于约旦河西岸,而是位于北部地区。

10.Besides a characteristic deep and solemn tone, the tuba is also used occasionally to create humorous or other special effects.这乐器的音色严肃而沉重,但有时也可用以制造奇特怪异的效果或喜剧的气氛。