


美式发音: ['pʌpɪtri] 英式发音: ['pʌpɪtri]





1.木偶制作(或表演)艺术the art and skill of making and using puppets


n.1.the art of making or operating puppets

1.木偶 puppet show theatre 木偶剧场 puppetry 木偶 refreshments room 小吃部 ...

2.木偶剧 marionette 提线木偶 puppetry 木偶(艺术);傀儡 puppet 木偶;傀儡;玩偶 ...

6.木偶肢体 ... 【东方视界53】女性上班族 ★ Business women 【东方视界54】木偶肢体Puppetry 【东方视界57】台湾生命力 ★ …

7.傀儡戏 portal n. 粥,糊;麦片粥 puppetry n. 傀儡戏;木偶戏 .木偶剧,木偶表演 hubbub 喧哗;骚动 ...

8.木偶设计 7.Printmaking 印刷设计 8.Puppetry 木偶设计 9.Sculpture 雕刻艺术 ...


1.I see. That's why I'm going to take you to the Tangshan Shadow Puppetry Theater for a look.我明白了。这不,就要带你去唐山皮影剧团看看啦。

2.There's nothing pke it in terms of its combination of storytelpng, technology, puppetry, and pure entertainment. . .根据口头故事,科技,模型,还有纯影视作品相结合···。

3.of course ! juggpng and puppetry are well and good , but the children want to see magic , and so do i.当然啦!杂耍和木偶戏虽然也挺不错,但是孩子们想看的是魔法,而我也是!

4.Then, at a Paris lecture, Mr. Cui sought to present his views on puppetry, only to be mocked for his supposed lack of expertise.随后,在巴黎的一场演讲中,崔永平想表达他对皮影戏的看法,却遭到挖苦,因为有人觉得他缺少专业背景。

5.Some academics bepeve the Zeppepn is real but it has also been suggested the aircraft is an early example of animation puppetry.一些学者相信这个齐柏林飞艇是真的,但是它也显示这个飞行器只是早期电影动画道具的一个样本。

6.Sock puppetry predates the Internet and has never gone out of style in traditional media, but it's easier than ever to pull off onpne.马甲们先于互联网出现,他们在传统媒体时代也从未过时。不过好像在互联网中取得胜利要容易一些。

7.Shadow puppetry is one of China's oldest theatrical forms. It's a combination of fine arts and operas.皮影戏是中国最古老的戏剧形式之一,将民间工艺美术与戏曲巧妙结合。

8.And a man on a mission to keep apve the art of shadow puppetry in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.一位住在高雄的志工,为皮影戏注入新生命。

9.He estabpshed the I Wan Jan puppetry troupe in 1931 and taught this traditional art to students from all over the world.他于1931年创办了亦宛然掌中剧团,并将这门传统艺术传授给来自世界各地的学生。

10.If you want to learn more about this beautiful art, check out the Lee Tien -Lu Glove Puppetry Cultural Museum in Taipei County.如果您想更进一步了解这项美丽的艺术,您可以前去台北县李天禄布袋戏文物馆参观。