




1.操作系统 伫列名称 QnameQNX 作业系统 QNX 品质评估 Q-rating ...

4.实时操作系统及其应用分析 ... pnux 操作系统 QNX 实时操作系统及其应用分析 QNX 多线程样例分析 ...

5.下马岭组(1)下马岭组Qnx) 原1∶20万地质图(锦西幅)称震旦系下马岭组Z2x 本组俗称“下马岭页岩”(高振西,1934) 本组在标准 …

6.实时微内核实时微内核QNX)预设使用者介面 图形用户界面 授权条款 专有 官方网站 www.blackberry网址被屏蔽/BlackBerry-10/ 发展历史 [编 …

7.即时微内核即时微内核QNX)预设使用者介面 图形化使用者介面 授权条款 专有 官方网站 www.blackberry网址被屏蔽/BlackBerry-10/ 发展历史 …


1.Of course, the messaging was a bit disingenuous: QNX is now building RIM's operating system.当然,这种消息有点狡猾:QNX现在正在打造RIM的操作系统。

2.Moreover, replacing the legacy BlackBerry OS with the "high-performance" QNX operating system will not make much of a difference.还有,用“高效”的QNX操作系统替代过时的BlackBerry系统也不会有多少不同。

3.Lazardis showed off the first of that investment, the Playbook tablet, to attendees here at D: Dive Into Mobile today.拉扎里迪斯在“浸入移动世界”大会上,向与会者展示了在QNX上投资带来的第一个回报:黑莓平板电脑。

4.BlackBerry (RIMM) is in the midst of its own OS transformation to QNX but has been losing marketshare quarter after quarter.黑莓(BlackBerry)手机正处于自身操作系统向QNX转型的过程中,但其市场份额一季不如一季。

5.The company has an answer: a new software platform called QNX, but is vague on when that will show up on the BlackBerry.这家公司的解决方法是一款名为QNX的新软体平台,但它在黑莓上推出的时间尚不明确。

6.The system architecture and running theory of the device resource manager in QNX are introduced.针对防空监视网络的传感器管理问题,讨论了传感器资源分配的最优化方法。

7.At the time of the deal, RIM said it was buying QNX to enter the automobile and infotainment business, which was a strength of QNX.在进行交易时RIM公司说它买入QNX只是为了进入汽车业和信息娱乐业,这两项是QNX的强项。

8.RIM played down any talk that QNX might be used as RIM's next-generation operating system.RIM淡化了任何有关QNX可能会用作RIM下一代操作系统的说法。

9.QNX gives RIM a strategic advantage as a high performance and highly adaptable real-time operating system.QNX为RIM提供了一个高性能和高适应性的实时操作系统。

10.Gartner describes its tablet operating system, QNX, as "a promising platform" , and thinks RIM may sell 3m units this year.高德纳公司形容此平板电脑桌面操作系统是“很有前途的平台”并预计RIM在今年会售出三百万台。