




1.指腹 nail 指甲 finger pulp 指腹 finger mark=finger print=dactylogram 指纹 ...

2.指腹捏ll),精细抓握包括指尖捏(tip pinch)、指腹捏finger pulp)、侧捏(lateral pinch)及三指捏(tripod pinch)。


1.The reverse digital arterial island flap is usually used for finger pulp reconstruction. The technique is simple but effective.逆行性指侧岛状皮瓣通常应用来做为指腹重建,此步骤简单而有效。

2.Directions: After using lotion, apply a small amount to eye skin from the inside out. Gently massage with finger pulp until absorbed.利用体例:利用化妆水后,取适量从眼头至眼尾标的目标,用指腹轻轻点压按摩至领受。

3.And finger pulp is very difficult to get Ibis, stubborn, necessary to nail squeezed, damage the skin and leave imprinted.而且用手指指腹是很难把固执的黑头挤出来的,必需用指甲使劲挤,损害了皮肤乃至留下印迹。

4.take appropriate amount with finger pulp or brush to add by pressing.用指腹或眼影刷沾取过量以按压的涂抹的方式层层突变叠上。

5.Reversed digital artery island skin flap with dorsal branch of proper digital nerve for repair of finger pulp defect吻合指神经背侧支的指动脉逆行岛状皮瓣修复末节手指指腹缺损

6.Cpnical outcome of first web flap transfer from the foot for coverage of first web and finger pulp defects第一趾蹼区游离皮瓣修复虎口及指腹缺损的疗效

7.Repair of finger pulp defects with reverse dorsal digital island fascial flap指背筋膜逆行岛状皮瓣修复指腹缺损

8.Reconstruction of Little Finger Pulp Defect with Cross-Finger Adipofascial Turn-Over Flap邻指翻转筋膜脂肪瓣修复小指腹缺损

9.Care of the Patients with Finger Pulp Soft Tissue Defect Repaired by Great Thenar Flap Free Grafting大鱼际皮瓣游离移植修复指腹软组织缺损患者的护理

10.Repair of the finger pulp loss手指指腹缺损的修复