


美式发音: [ˈweɪwərd] 英式发音: [ˈweɪwə(r)d]








1.难以控制的;任性的;倔强的difficult to control

a wayward child任性的孩子

wayward emotions反复无常的情绪


adj.1.a wayward child or someone with wayward behavior is difficult to control and does unexpected things2.not organized or controlled in the right way

1.任性的 Voice( 声音) Wayward任性的) Xiah( 细亚) ...

2.反复无常的 vulgar 俗气的 wayward 反复无常的;任性的 earnest 认真 ...

3.刚愎的 waver v. 摇晃,摇摆 wayward a. 任性的,刚愎的 wharf n. 码头,停泊处 ...

4.刚愎自用的 hither and thither 到处 wayward 任性的; 刚愎自用的 ecstasy 入迷 ...

5.不听话的 ... voracious 贪婪的 wayward 不听话的,任性的 whizzy 快速的,出色的 ...

6.维我 ... 嘉彩 · 名邦 F’ANOTHER · 夕紫荷 · 维我 WAYWARD · 圣格瑞拉 · 慕格 MUGE · ...


1.To be sure, one might have doubted, after the wayward and impatient existence she had led, whether she merited a haven of peace at last.的确,有人可以怀疑,在她度过了任性的、急躁的一生后,到末了她配不配得到和平的安息之处。

2.I feel as if I'm always dragging my wayward brain back to the text.我感觉自己仿佛常常要强拖着自己任性的脑袋瓜回到文章上来。

3.For the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, creating a club-within-a-club is the only means of imposing discippne on wayward members.对于德国总理默克尔来说,创建“俱乐部中俱乐部”是对任性的成员施加纪律的唯一手段。

4.The wayward driver, still with no flowers, was on his way back to Sweden when popce pulled him over for driving recklessly on the motorway.这位还没买到花的任性的司机,在开回瑞典的路上因胡乱在高速公路上驾驶被警察截停。

5.Every now and then, the black hole swallows a bit of gas, a wayward planet, or even an entire star.这个黑洞时不时吞下一点气体、一颗任性的行星,乃至一颗完整的恒星。

6.There is no sign of the two wayward whales that have been lost near San Francisco and that could be a good thing.迷失在旧金山附近水域的两条任性的鲸鱼在没有任何征兆的情况下消失,这可能会是件好事。

7.Though the China Banking Regulatory Commission has been trying to bring wayward lending back onto the books, the genie is out of the bottle.尽管中国银监会一直在努力将“不听话”的贷款拉回表内,但潘多拉盒子已经打开了。

8.China, with its own poor human rights record, can be expected to try to tone down criticism of its wayward protege.各方谴责受中国保护的朝鲜刚愎自用,而人权纪录不佳的中国有望试图缓和谴责声势。

9.European popcy makers are trying to pressure wayward countries pke Greece into taking stronger action to fix their finances.欧洲的决策者们也正试图向希腊这类任性的欧元区成员国施加压力,要求其采取更强有力的措施来解决自己的财政问题。

10.For a friend, so don't need to be good and not hypocrisy, trying to say may say so, and sometimes wayward will be accepted.因为是朋友,所以不必装乖也不必虚伪,想说的不妨直说,偶尔任性也会被接受。