


美式发音: [ˌkwestʃəˈner] 英式发音: [ˌkwestʃəˈneə(r)]



复数:questionnaires  搭配同义词

adj.+n.short questionnaire

v.+n.answer questionnaire

n.survey,opinion poll,inquiry form,feedback form,form



1.~ (on/about sth)调查表;问卷a written pst of questions that are answered by a number of people so that information can be collected from the answers

to complete a questionnaire填好问卷

to fill in a questionnaire填调查表

to fill out a questionnaire填调查表

n.1.调查表; 调查问卷

n.1.a set of questions used to gather information in a survey

1.问卷 subtopics n. 小标题 questionnaire n. 问卷 interview n.&v. 面试,采 访 ...

2.调查表 pubpc servant 公务员 questionnaire 调查表 quick-frozen food 速冻食品 ...

3.问卷调查 单车课堂 Research Center 调查问卷 Questionnaire 山地车 MOUNTAIN BICYCLE ...

5.征求意见表 quench vt. 止渴;扑灭火焰 questionnaire n. 问题单,调查表,征求意见表 quit vt. 离开;辞职 ...

6.问卷调查表 problem 问题 questionnaire 问卷调查表 robber 强盗 ...

7.问题单 quench v. 熄灭;扑灭;抑制 questionnaire n. 调查表;问题单 queue n. 辫子;行列;长队 v.排长队 ...

8.问卷法 访谈法 interview method 问卷法 questionnaire 表情法 method of expression ...


1.Two research methods have been used in this paper: document and questionnaire.本文的研究方法主要包括文献法和问卷法两种。

2.Finish a questionnaire to check how much the students know about the Olympics.了解学生对奥运会的知识掌握情况,并快速核对关于奥运会的基本信息。

3.And I have concocted a questionnaire to see to what degree you express dopamine, serotonin, estrogen and testosterone.为此,我做了一份问卷调查,以探明人们如何显现多巴胺、血清素、雌激素和睾丸激素的性状。

4.Check the questionnaire through and try it out on your own group.从头到尾看清问卷,然后在你的小组中进行问答。

5.How much have you learned so far? Complete the questionnaire below.到目前为止你学了多少英语了?完成下面的调查表。

6.The appendix of the essay provide a questionnaire and a report of its analysis whose results have been quoted in the preamble.文章附录部分提供了当代大学生爱国主义调查问卷和分析报告一份,不少结果在文章里面都有引用。

7.This essay will carry out analysis from two stand points: that of the natural language corpus and that of the questionnaire.本文从自然语料和问卷调查两个角度进行了分析。

8.It has been proved through the results of a questionnaire survey that this new attempt has been approved by the majority of students.笔者根据学生学习有氧搏击操的课上情绪状态进行了问卷调查,这一新的尝试得到了大多数学生的认可。

9.The questionnaire is anonymous. please fill out the blank with your actual situation. Thank you for your support and participation!问卷不记名,请根据实际情况如实填写。感谢你的支持与参与!

10.The matter arose during a pretrial conference on what to ask about 135 potential jurors in a questionnaire they are to get Tuesday.事情起因于一次预审会议。该会于周二举行,向135名可能的陪审员进行了调查。