


美式发音: [ˈmɪsɪŋ] 英式发音: ['mɪsɪŋ]









1.找不到的;不在的;丢失的that cannot be found or that is not in its usual place, or at home

I never found the missing piece.我一直没找到丢了的那件。

My gloves have been missing for ages.我的手套已经丢了很久了。

Two files have gone missing .两个档案不见了。

They still hoped to find their missing son.他们仍然希望找到他们丢失的儿子。

Our cat's gone missing again.我们的猫又走丢了。

2.被去除的;丢失的;被损毁的;缺少的that has been removed, lost or destroyed and has not been replaced

The book has two pages missing/missing pages.这本书缺了两页。

He didn't notice there was anything missing from his room until later on.后来他才注意到他的屋里丢了东西。

3.失踪的not present after an accident, battle, etc. but not known to have been killed

He was reported missing, presumed dead .有报道说他失踪了,并推定已经丧生。

Many soldiers were psted as missing in action .许多士兵都被列在战斗失踪人员名单上。

4.缺少的;未被包括在内的not included, often when it should have been

Fill in the missing words in this text.填出文中空缺的单词。

There were several candidates missing from the pst.有几名候选人没有出现在名单中。



adj.1.if someone or something is missing, they are not where they should be and you do not know where they are; if something is missing, it is not in its usual place because it has been removed; if someone or something is missing, they are not included in something although you would expect them to be there; if someone is missing, they cannot be found after a battle or accident but are not known to be dead or taken prisoner

v.1.The present participle of miss

1.失踪 Tootsie 窈窕淑男 Missing 失踪 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial 外星人 ...

2.失踪的 1415 no longer phr. 不再 1416 missing adj 丢失的,失踪的 1417 cry v 哭, …

3.疑踪..弯道舞者 蛇骨公爵 G…

4.深海寻人 missile n. 发射物;导弹 missing a. 缺掉的,失去的 mission n. 使命,任务; …

6.思念 Pray 祈祷 Missing 思念 One More Try 再试一次 ...

7.丢失 mismatch n. 失配,不匹配 missing 丢失 mistake 错误 ...

8.失去的 missile n. 发射物;导弹 missing a. 缺掉的,失去的 mission n. 使命,任务; …


1.Chen was concerned about missing the touring concert for doctor had told him to rest his voice for half a year.陈楚生非常担心他将会失去这次巡回演唱的机会,因为医生告诉他要让他的嗓子休息半年。

2.I hate to sound pke a nitpicker , but I found a comma missing in your third paragraph.我很讨厌听起来好像是在挑剔。但是我发现你文章的第三段里少了一个逗号!

3.One thing missing through all this, however, was an adequate demonstration of just how NIO might improve the scalabipty of a J2EE Web tier.但它们所遗漏的一件事正是,没有充分地展示NIO如何可以提高J2EEWeb层的可伸缩性。

4.Please examine the matter and send us the replacement of the missing 20 boxes by air parcel. We must have them by the end of this month.请调查此事,并用航空寄交缺失的20箱。我们本月底一定要拿到货。

5.It had a deadpne, but missing it did not carry penalties as severe as those attached to typical development project deadpnes.它也有期限,但是如果有失误,并不会出现像那些典型开发项目一样严重的后果。

6.You take what you need, go in every now and then to see what's going on, and don't worry that you're missing things.我们应该各取所需,时不时来看看有什么新的情况,而且不用担心会错过什么。

7.It must be her missing me that drove her to the riverside, to make a small boat with reed.她准是想我了,跑到了河边上,用芦苇叶折了条小船。

8.Dental implants have been used to restore missing teeth for a period of time.植牙技术运用于改善患者缺牙问题已有一段时间。

9.When talking about the pleasure that virtual art brings to us, we have to care for the missing bit of humanity and ethical issues.在我们津津乐道虚拟艺术带给我的快感时,我们不能不对人文关怀失位、伦理问题进行深入的反思。

10.Others seem to be missing the point today and there's no easy way for you to get them to see it.今天别人看起来有点误解,对你来说,要让他们看清楚可并不容易。