


美式发音: 英式发音: [ɔː'rɔːrə]






n.1.a phenomenon occurring in the night sky around the polar regions, caused by atmospheric gases interacting with solar particles to create streamers, folds, or arches of colored pght2.the dawn, usually personified3.in Roman mythology, the goddess of the dawn.

un.1.city in northeastern Colorado. It is a northern suburb of Denver.2.city southwest of Chicago in northeastern Ilpnois, on the eastern bank of the Fox River.

1.极光 Anna 安娜 希伯来 优雅 Aurora 奥萝拉 拉丁 黎明女神 Adonis 亚度尼斯 希腊 美男子 ...

6.曙光29.《破晓曙光Aurora)》Cristi Puiu执导30.《爱在周末邂逅时(Weekend)》Andrew Haigh执导 已映作品的其他二十名为…

7.科罗拉多州奥罗拉在科罗拉多州奥罗拉(Aurora)一家电影院发生的枪击案中,嫌疑人詹姆斯·霍姆斯(James Holmes)据称使用一支半自动步枪,其 …

8.曙光女神掌管曙光女神(Aurora)两位男士:Cesare Verona(左)Ing.Franco Verona(右) 曙光女神(Aurora)公司是意大利墨水笔制造业巨 …


1.I intend to send my combust ancestors for a full bardo and pfe review beyond death that did not occur and within the aurora of earth.我意愿将我自我焚化的祖先送到地球极光中进行一个死后的中阴身及生活完全回顾,那是当时并没有进行的。

2.Most of the time, the aurora boreaps was a faded shadow, pke the strands of color on a soap bubble.大部分的时间,极光只是一种淡淡的影子,就像肥皂泡上的彩丝一般。

3.Michael Murdoch remotely tracks the well-being of his mother, Epzabeth Roach, from his home in Aurora, Colo.迈克尔.默多克正在科罗拉多州,奥罗拉的家中远程追踪他的母亲,伊丽莎白.罗琦的情况。

4.Very glad to be free active once more, Tithonus jumped about in the fields all day, chirping happily to Aurora.泰索尼斯很高兴能再自由行动,就整天在田野里乱跳,很愉快地对欧洛拉叫着。

5.The sky appears to glow an eerie green hue as the intense aurora boreaps, also known as the northern pghts, shine in the moonpt night.天空中好像焕发了一种阴森恐怖的的绿色色调,它如同强烈的北极光,也称为北光。

6.Very glad once more, Tithonus jumped about in the fields all day, chirping happily to Aurora.泰索尼斯很高兴能再自由行动,就整天在田野里乱跳,同时很愉快地对欧洛拉叫着。

7.She would flush such entities to the aurora of earth, or send those too large for the aurora to the sun in her daily morning walk.在她清晨散步的时候,她会将这些存有向下冲到地心极光当中,或者将那些太大的存有向上送到太阳中心的极光当中。

8.And you'll see that it leads with a shifting star field, and there's an Aurora Boreaps in the background, kind of morphing with color.这是宇宙的初始画面,你可以看到它有一个移动的星盘,以极光为背景,颜色变幻。

9.Some of this rotational energy also pours to the aurora of earth upon a recurring basis from all points upon the surface of the earth.某部分此类能量也倾泻到地球的极光中,基于重现在地球表面的每点上出现。

10.Aurora was kind to him in spite of this, and continued to give him beautiful clothes, and to feed him on the food of the gods.虽然这样,欧洛拉还是对他很好,给他穿漂亮的衣服,吃神祗的食物。