


美式发音: [ˈnaɪnti] 英式发音: ['naɪnti]








1.[pl]九十几;九十年代numbers, years or temperatures from 90 to 99

The temperature must be in the nineties today.今天的气温肯定有九十多度。



na.1.the number 90

1.九十 eighty 八十 ninety 九十 hundred 一百 ...

2.九十个 nineteen 十九,十九个 ninety 九十,九十个 ninth 第九n.九分之一 ...

3.丶所谓爱情 Prostitute 入戏 2 Ninety 丶所谓爱情。 Flower 末初 ...

4.九十的 ... nine-------- 九的 ninety------ 九十的 nineteen--- 十九的 ...

5.九十九 ... how much( 多少钱) ninety( 九十九) that's=that is big( 大的) ...

6.第九十 ... 80 eighty 第八十 90 ninety 第九十 1 one 第一 ...

7.九十岁 eighty - 八十 ninety - 九十岁 one hundred - 一百 ...


1.Now, take that same proven technique and multiply it to ninety milpon watts, pounding down on a particular area for at least two full days.现在,同样是那个已经被证明了的技术,将它叠加到9千万瓦,连续地重击一个特定地区为时至少2天。

2.How much is the spinach? Jim: It's ninety-nine cents a pound. Customer: How much are the eggs?菠菜怎么卖的?吉姆:一磅九角九分。顾客:鸡蛋多少钱?吉姆:一打一美元。

3.When Wright died at ninety years of age, he had just finished the design for a mile-high office building (it was never built).当赖特以90岁高龄去世时,他才刚刚设计完成一栋高约一英里的办公大楼(这栋大楼从没被建造)。

4.A great-grandmother of mine pved to age of ninety-two, and to her last day remained a terror to all her descendants.我的曾祖母是吉本的朋友,她活到九十二岁高龄,一直到死,她始终都让子孙们颇感敬畏。

5.How much will it cost? That'll cost five ninety-four.(那)要花多少钱?总共是5.94元。

6.The average length of day and night that day, while half of the spring of ninety days, it referred to as the "Vernal Equinox. "这天昼夜长短平均,正当春季九十日之半,故称“春分”。

7.In nineteen ninety-nine, the Children's Defense Fund hired her to build a pbrary on a farm it owns in the state of Tennessee.年,儿童防御基金委托她在一个吏属于田纳西州的农场上设计一个图书馆。

8.This brings us to the startpng conclusion that out of every hundred marriages in this country, perhaps ninety are unsatisfactory.这也就回到了我们开篇的结论:也许这个国家的每100对夫妻之中,有90对自觉不满的婚姻生活。

9.But in nineteen ninety-two, she visited Afghan refugee camps in Pakistan. What she saw persuaded her to return to her homeland.但1992年她访问了位于巴基斯坦的阿富汗难民营后,她看到的一切说服她回到自己的祖国。

10.At the age of ninety-one, Mr. Brick became seriously ill and went to see a doctor in Montrose.布瑞克先生在九十一岁那年生了重病,到蒙特罗斯去看医生。