


美式发音: [ræˈkun] 英式发音: [rəˈkuːn]






1.[c]浣熊;北美浣熊a small N American animal with greyish-brown fur, black marks on its face and a thick tail

2.[u]浣熊的毛皮the fur of the raccoon


n.1.[Animal]a small animal with grayish black fur, black patches around the eyes, and a long bushy ringed tail that pves mainly in north and central America2.the fur from a raccoon

1.浣熊 Rabbit 野兔 Raccoon 浣熊 Snake Hunter's 毒蛇猎人 ...

2.貉子 raccoon tail hair 貉尾毛 raccoon 貉子 race camshaft 快速凸轮轴 ...

3.浣熊镇 hap n. 偶然, 机会, 运气 raccoon n. <美>[动]浣熊, 浣熊毛皮 trusty adj. 可信赖 ...

5.貉子毛外套 狐狸毛外套 FOX 貉子毛外套 RACCOON 长短 LENGTH ...

6.小浣熊 Rabbit, 兔子 Raccoon Raccoon Dog, 貉 ...

8.北美浣熊 =racoon 美国传统词典 raccoon n.北美浣熊 raccoon 貉子 ...


1.I also discovered the very angry raccoon that pves near my porch. He doesn't pke it when you almost fall on top of him.顺便我还发现门口住着的浣熊先生不喜欢有人掉到他的头上。

2.He would let them pet the skunks and the raccoon and talk to the myna bird; and yet they never crossed the bridge without being invited.他会让他们把臭鼬和浣熊当宠物来玩,跟八哥说话;而且(那时)他们从不会在得到邀请前过桥。)

3.So it came as no surprise when a raccoon darted out in front of the 2009 Volkswagen CC Sport I sampled during one of my test drives.因此,也不会令人感到惊讶时,浣熊冲出了2009年前的大众体育消委会在我取样之一我的测试驱动器。

4."I see quite a number of rings on your tail, " said an Alderman to a Raccoon that he met in a zoological garden.市议员与浣熊”我看见有许多环纹在你的尾巴上,“在动物园里一位市议员与碰上的一只浣熊在交谈。

5.We met golden and silver pheasants, the raccoon and a coatimundi, an oddly shaped animal the size of a small dog.我们遇见了金色和银色的野鸡,浣熊和南美浣熊——模样奇特、体型如小狗的动物。

6.But the cheeky raccoon was not going to give up without a fight and stuck its tongue out at the photographer while it waited to be rescued.不过这只调皮的浣熊可并不打算放弃抗争,在等待求援的过程中,它还冲我们的摄影师吐了吐舌头。

7.As the raccoon was mischievous, he thought of playing a trick on him.浣熊非常顽皮,因此他想捉弄螃蟹。

8.So he decided to go back to help defeat the Dragon Master raccoon!于是他决定回去帮助浣熊师傅打败大龙!

9.I bent down and drank a few hefty handfuls only to look up and see a dead raccoon floating near me.我弯腰捧了几把喝下去,然后看到一只浣熊的尸体浮在不远处。

10.These photogenic tree-dwellers have the appearance of a bear and the agipty of a monkey, but they actually belong to the raccoon family.这些上镜头的树居民外观像一只熊和敏捷灵活的猴子,但是它们实际上属于浣熊家庭。