


美式发音: [ˌreɪdioʊˈæktɪv] 英式发音: [ˌreɪdiəʊˈæktɪv]




adj.+n.radioactive waste,radioactive contamination,radioactive material,radioactive cloud,radioactive substance




1.放射性的;有辐射的sending out harmful radiation caused when the nuclei (= central parts) of atoms are broken up


adj.1.a radioactive substance contains a very harmful form of energy that is produced during nuclear reactions. This energy is called radiation.

1.放射性的 radioactivation 辐射激[活]化 radioactive 放射性的 radioactive air 放射性气体 ...

2.放射引起的 radiate 放射,辐射;散布,传播 radioactive 放射性,放射引起的 rag 抹布,破布,碎布 ...

3.放射性物品 protect against heat 怕热 radioactive 放射性物品 radioactive substance 放射性物品 ...

4.有辐射能的 strand n. 绳、线之一股, 线, 绳, 串, 海滨, 河岸 radioactive adj. 放射性的, 有辐射能的 burial n. 埋葬 ...

5.放射能量 ... 13.Working Man( 工人) 1.Radioactive( 放射能量) (修改) 2.Tiptoe( 踮着脚尖) ...

6.放射性物质第7类:放射性物质(Radioactive):括自然地放射出有效放射线的物质。第8类:腐蚀性物质(Corrosives):包括在其原来的形态 …


1.The company warned that small amounts of radioactive leak could occur during the process, but that the amount would be harmless.该公司警告说,这一过程中可能发生少量放射性物质泄漏,但这个量不会有害。

2.and that larger amounts of other radioactive material, from discarded X-ray machines to spent fuel, might be used to make a dirty bomb.担心数量更多的其他放射性材料(从废弃的X光机到乏燃料)可能被用于制造脏弹。

3.It had been used for practical ends, to identify elements and to unravel radioactive decay chains.已将其用于实践的目的,去鉴别元素和阐明放射性衰变系。

4.Potassium iodide, also known as the radiation pill, prevents the body's absorption of the radioactive iodine present in reactor emissions.其中碘化钾可以防止人体吸收核反应堆泄出的放射性碘。

5.He said the rise could possibly be due to a continuous leak of highly radioactive material from the area around the crippled reactors.他说,水平上升可能是因为受损反应堆周边地区的高放射性物质持续泄漏。

6.He said the pkepest explanation was an emission of radioactive steam from the containment vessel, although that had not been confirmed.他说这很可能是由于放射性蒸汽外泄导致的,不过目前具体情况尚未得到证实。

7.While some of these gases are radioactive, they did not pose a significant risk to pubpc safety to even the workers on site.当一些这些气体是放射性的,他们不构成重大风险,甚至公共安全,工人们在现场工作。

8.The United Nations agency says they do not protect against external radiation, or against any other radioactive substance.这个联合国机构表示,这些药片不能防止外部辐射,也不能抵御任何其他的放射性物质。

9.The unnamed enthusiast brought radioactive materials, as well as a Geiger counter which he ordered from the United States.这为匿名核能爱好者自备一堆放射性原材料,还有一个盖格辐射剂量仪,这些东西都是他从美国订购的。

10.Recent rains might have washed radioactive particles into the water, as the Japanese government suggested.日本政府认为,最近的大雨可能将一些放射性微粒冲入了水体中。