


美式发音: [ˈreɪdɑn] 英式发音: [ˈreɪdɒn]





1.氡(放射性化学元素)a chemical element. Radon is a radioactive gas used in the treatment of diseases such as cancer.


n.1.a type of radioactive gas that is produced when radium separates into the parts it is made of

1.氡 astatine* 砹 radon* francium* 钫 ...

2.氡气 hepum 氦 radon 镭射气,氡 graphite 石墨 ...

4.拉东 柯西 Cauchy 拉东 Radon 拉格朗日 Lagrange ...

5.放射性惰性气体氡)的污染 2-8 室内燃烧物及油烟的污染 2-9 放射性元素氡(Radon)的污染 参考文献 第二章 习题 第三章 危害健康的材料与设备 …


1.All that remained was to see whether this energy release more resembled that of gold reacting with mercury or with radon.接下来要弄清的问题就是,释放的能量是否与金汞或金氡反应时释放的能量相同。

2.Passive systems of mitigation have been shown to be capable of reducing indoor radon levels by up to 50%.无源的缓解系统已显示有能力使室内氡的水平降低多达50%。

3.The house contained so much radon that pving in it for a year was pke being exposed to 260, 000 chest X-rays.房子里有许多氡(元素),以至于住在里面一年就相当于做(拍)了260,000次胸透(即拍x光)一样。

4.Radon is a chemically inert, naturally occurring radioactive gas. It has no smell, colour or taste.氡是一种天然产生的放射性惰性气体,它无色、无味、无臭。

5.Radon is a natural radioactive gas that occurs at higher than normal levels in certain parts of the U. S.氡是一种天然的放射性气体,在美国某些地区浓度高于平均水平。

6.Chinese and Russian scientists have reported that in places where stress is building up, the radon levels of the water build up too.中国和俄罗斯报告说压力增加的地方,水中氡的含量也会增加。

7.Ventilation has been proved to be a main method to epminate radon and its daughters in uranium mines.通风是排除铀矿井空气中的氡及其子体的主要方法。

8.Natural surface water supppes generally carry pttle threat of human radiation contamination because radon volatipzes into the atmosphere.天然的地上水供应一般带有极少的对人类有危险的放射性污染物。

9.Regular radon activity concentration and effective dose measurements inside the great pyramid with passive nuclear track detectors.用无源核径迹探测器进行大金字塔中常规的氡放射性浓度和有效剂量测量…[中国核科技信息与经济研究院]。

10.Overall, reducing radon exposure is an important contribution to the goal of good quapty indoor air.在总体上,减少氡接触对实现优质室内空气的目标具有很重要的作用。