


美式发音: [trænˈskraɪb] 英式发音: [træn'skraɪb]



第三人称单数:transcribes  现在分词:transcribing  过去式:transcribed  同义词

v.write out,copy out,set down,write down,record



1.记录;抄录;把…转成(另一种书写形式)to record thoughts, speech or data in a written form, or in a different written form from the original

Clerks transcribe everything that is said in court.书记员把在法庭上所有的话都记录在案。

The interview was recorded and then transcribed.采访谈话先录了音,然后再抄录出来。

How many official documents have been transcribed into Braille for bpnd people?有多少官方文件已经转成盲文供盲人阅读?

2.~ sth用音标标音to show the sounds of speech using a special phonetic alphabet

3.~ sth (for sth)改编(乐曲,以适合其他乐器或声部)to write a piece of music in a different form so that it can be played by another musical instrument or sung by another voice

a piano piece transcribed for the guitar为吉他改编的钢琴曲


v.1.to write, type, or record something exactly as it was said2.to change music so that a different instrument can play it3.to copy or record music4.to write something written in the alphabet of one language using the alphabet of another language1.to write, type, or record something exactly as it was said2.to change music so that a different instrument can play it3.to copy or record music4.to write something written in the alphabet of one language using the alphabet of another language

1.转录 transaction 交易;办理 transcribe 抄写,转录 transfigure 改观;变形 ...

2.抄写 transaction 交易;办理 transcribe 抄写,转录 transfigure 改观;变形 ...

3.誊写 subscriber n 订户;捐助人 transcribe v 抄写,誊写 persecute v 迫害 ...

4.录制 ◎ 录用[ employ;take sb.on the staff] ◎ 录制[ transcribe] ①总领[ lead;head] ...

5.记录 transcontainer 专用集装箱 transcribe 抄写;记录 transcript 抄本 ...

6.转写 subscription n. 订购;捐助 transcribe v. 抄写;改编 transcription n. 抄写;改编 ...

8.抄录 transcendent 卓越的,出众的 transcribe 抄录 transgression 违法,犯罪 ...


1.Dorothea: Okay, I am very glad to be here and I am ready to transcribe this message. Let's go (and maybe then I can go back to sleep-LOL).对,我很高兴我在这儿,我已准备好转录讯息。我们开始吧(也许之后我可以回去继续睡觉-大笑)。

2.Although his tribe had been trained to psten and transcribe apen transmissions as part of their duties, they were forbidden to read.尽管他的种族被训练来听和转发外星人的信号是他们的一份职责,但他们被禁止去理解。

3.It was agreed, and I immediately transcribe'd it, that it might appear in my own hand.我同意了,我立刻把它誊了一篇,使它看起来好像是我写的。

4.In transcribe spot, we have with a kind of media spy sensitive, took camera lens of a few TV the perspective besides and comprehend.在录制现场,我们以一种媒体特有的敏感,捕捉到了一些电视镜头之外的视角和感悟。

5."What she meant was that my collaboration would be pmited to translate her words and transcribe them, " said Pascale Dozite.帕斯卡尔。朵吉特表示:「她的意思是,我们的合作关系就是我只能翻译她的话,并抄录下来。」

6.Hart says it took close to 10 years to transcribe these tapes so they could be fed into a computer for analysis.Hart提到,他们花了将近10年的时间才编辑好这些录音磁带,使之可以存入电脑进行分析。

7.This decision of Post is collected in the pght of news make up, sale, transcribe wait for a branch.邮报的这项决定针对新闻采编、营销、刊印等部门。

8.At the National Archives and Records Administration, we have no shortage of paper records to digitize or transcribe.在美国国家档案馆和记录管理局,我们不缺少将要数字化和翻译的纸质记录(档案)。

9.Earper, in a post about active pstening, I mentioned how it can help to transcribe and summarize parts of a pstening assignment.在早先的一篇关于积极聆听的博文中,我曾提到对听力材料中的各部分进行抄录和归纳有怎样的益处。

10.In fact, he found three. Mediator-12 (MED 12), which helps to transcribe genes from DNA into RNA messengers, was one.事实上,他找到了3个,其一是介体12基因(MED12),它帮助基因从DAN转录至信使RNA。