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1.阵风达索的阵风Rafale)属于第三代半代战斗机,因为它没有隐身能力,也没有超音速巡航能力,性能位列第四代之后,略输于欧 …

2.飙风除印度外,法国和韩国也分别派出飙风(Rafale)和F-15K战机参演,参演战机达到65架。印度的8架Su-30MKI与法国、南韩以及 …

3.阵风战斗机达梭(Dassault)公司:阵风战斗机Rafale)阵风战斗机(Rafale)的原型机兴都斯坦航太(Hindustan Aeronautics,HAL) …

4.飙风战斗机他说,飙风战斗机Rafale)可自法国基地出发,发动攻击。中央社(翻译)Facebook 马上成为Yahoo!

5.阵风式战斗机虽然后继机种阵风式战斗机Rafale)已经开始生产,但幻影2000仍继续保持生产,以供应外销市场所需。1衍生型 2使用国家 …

6.疾风突然吹来的疾风(Rafale)使手松开…离开了牵着的皮带…但是一点也不害怕…“看不见的羁绊”(那星尘做成的Harnais)正把我们相 …



1.France: Carried out mission with at least 12 warplanes including Mirage fighters and Rafale jets; deploying aircraft carrier, warships.法国:至少有12架战机参加战斗,包括幻影战机和阵风战斗机,部署了航空母舰,战舰。

2.Just over two hours before the main assault began, French Rafale (pictured) and Mirage 2000 fighters went into action over Benghazi.就在主攻开始前二个小时,法国“阵风”(上图)和“幻影2000”战机已在班加西上空活动。

3.This contract marks a key milestone in the operation of the Rafale in the armed forces over the coming years.在未来数年内,这个合同将成为“阵风”战斗机在部队服役过程中的一个重要里程碑。

4.The visit is expected to promote the Rafale as a candidate in India's international competition for 126 medium multirole combat aircraft.这次访问将促进作为印度的中型多用途作战的126架飞机的国际竞争候选人的阵风。

5.Unpke the American and Chinese planes, the Rafale, built by Dassault, can fly from aircraft carriers.与美国及中国的飞机不同,Dassault公司制造的这种阵风战斗机,可从航空母舰上起飞。

6.Take France: the same Rafale fighter jets it tried to sell to Colonel Muammar Qaddafi are now being sent into action against him.拿法国举例:在作战行动中打击卡扎菲的飓风战斗机正是法国极力推销给卡扎菲的那一款。

7.The RAFALE , an escorted armored train that made regular journeys between Saigon and Nha Trang .年,印度支那,武装护送的火车在西贡与芽庄之间开行。

8.Others competing for the lucrative contract are Russia's MiG 35 , France's Rafale , Sweden's Gripen and the Eurofighter Typhoon .参加竞标这项庞大合同的其他机型是俄罗斯的米格35、法国的拉法叶、瑞典的“鹰狮”和欧洲战机“台风”。

9.Yesterday entire day, in Taibei the storm continually strengthened, the biggest Rafale reached as high as 13 levels.昨日全天,台北市内暴风雨持续增强,最大阵风高达13级。

10.Once equipped with the active antenna, the Rafale would have a five-year technology lead over European competition aircraft, Chaltiel said.一旦“阵风”战斗机装备了这种主动天线,相对于欧洲其他战斗机竞争对手,它将具有五年的技术领先优势。