


美式发音: [ˈrænsɪd] 英式发音: ['rænsɪd]








1.(含油食品)变质的,变味的,哈喇的if food containing fat israncid , it tastes or smells unpleasant because it is no longer fresh


adj.1.rancid food contains fats or oils that are no longer fresh and have an unpleasant taste and smell

1.腐臭的 ramshackle adj. 摇摇欲坠 rancid adj. 腐臭的 rancor n. 敌意,深仇,怨恨 ...

2.变味的 flaccid 松驰的,软弱的 rancid 不新鲜的,变味的 pellucid 清晰的,清澈的 ...

3.恶臭合唱团 无疑( No Doubt) 恶臭合唱团Rancid) 品克暴力( Pink Berry) ...

4.哈喇 哈喇〖 kill;slaughter〗 哈喇rancid〗 哈雷彗星〖 Halley’scomet;theHalleyComet〗 ...

5.酸败 rake (桅 rancid 酸败(鱼 Rand 兰特(南非货币单位 ...

6.腐臭乐团之后由腐臭乐团Rancid)的马特·弗里曼(Matt Freeman)加盟参与《性,爱和摇滚乐》的演出。(译注:马特·弗里曼是腐 …


1.Kenneth, if it was not for that rancid bubble, I would not be here today.如果不是那腐臭的气泡,我现在不会在这里。

2.This breakthrough meant that it was possible to make tallow candles that would not produce the usual smoke and rancid odor.这一巨大的变化意味着制造出不产生烟和rancid味道的蜡烛是可能的。

3.Singlemindedness of this Sartrean or Savonarolan sort is the quest for purity of heart - the attempt to will one thing - gone rancid.这种萨特式的或萨瓦罗纳拉式的一根筋,是变得迂腐的,对心的纯粹性的追求——意志某种单一的东西的尝试。

4.Beowulf: I found you, seed of Sparda! I told you that I remember your rancid scent! No matter where you run to, you can never hide from me!贝尔渥夫:我找到你了,斯巴达的种!我告诉过你我记得你身上的味道!无论你逃到哪,都不能在我面前隐身。

5.When I think of this rancid butter I see myself standing in a pttle, old world courtyard, a very smelly. very dreary courtyard.一想起这变质的奶油我就感觉到自己正站在一个小小的老式院子里,这是一个气味很难闻、很凄凉的院子。

6.Onodera's team added a portion of the digested glop to a second container filled with rancid milk.小野寺的小组向第二个装满腐臭牛奶的容器添加了部分消化的浓流体物。

7.Wake up when it seems that there is a kind of things pke cotton in the rancid, and the ventral empty - a very strong sense of hunger.醒来的时候,似乎真的有一种像棉花样的东西噎在了喉间,而腹中空荡——非常强烈的饥饿感。

8.One set of fragments is responsible for the hints of cardboard, paint and fish that we smell in stale, rancid oil.在这些条件下,完整的油脂分子会降解成一系列的片段,而这也就是造成碗柜里有油漆和鱼腐烂的味道,即陈腐脂肪味的原因。

9.Now tens of thousands of apppances are releasing a gag-inducing stench of rancid shrimp, sulfurous eggs, rotting fruit and putrid meat.现在数万雪柜散发出腥臭的虾、像硫磺的鸡蛋、腐烂的水果、腐臭的肉的让人作呕的恶臭。

10.George Bush promised to put an end to the capital's rancid partisan divisions.乔治·布什曾许诺终结首都令人反感的党派分裂。