



美式发音: [reɪndʒ] 英式发音: [reɪndʒ]




第三人称单数:ranges  现在分词:ranging  过去式:ranged  搭配同义词

adj.+n.wide range,full range,long range,broad range,large range

v.+n.provide range,offer range,cover range,extend range,increase range




v.1.排列;整理(头发等)2.(用枪,望远镜等)对准(目标);瞄准;(炮术)试(炮),试(射程)3.加入,站住...的一边 ( with against)4.使归类[班,行,队];把...分类5.〈古,诗〉在...徘徊,在...走来走去,到处寻找;【航】巡逻(沿岸等)6.【军】测距,试射测距;射程为7.开列,进行;成直线 (with) (山脉等)相连,连绵;(动植物等)分布,蔓延,散布 (from... to) (子弹)能打到,达到8.(思想,研究等)到达,涉及9.徘徊,走来走去,跋涉 (in over through) 【航海】巡航10.加入,站在...的一边 (with against) 与...为伍 (with)11.(在某范围内)变动,升降 (betweenfrom...to ...)1.排列;整理(头发等)2.(用枪,望远镜等)对准(目标);瞄准;(炮术)试(炮),试(射程)3.加入,站住...的一边 ( with against)4.使归类[班,行,队];把...分类5.〈古,诗〉在...徘徊,在...走来走去,到处寻找;【航】巡逻(沿岸等)6.【军】测距,试射测距;射程为7.开列,进行;成直线 (with) (山脉等)相连,连绵;(动植物等)分布,蔓延,散布 (from... to) (子弹)能打到,达到8.(思想,研究等)到达,涉及9.徘徊,走来走去,跋涉 (in over through) 【航海】巡航10.加入,站在...的一边 (with against) 与...为伍 (with)11.(在某范围内)变动,升降 (betweenfrom...to ...)


v.1.to be included in a group of numbers, ages, measurements, etc. with particular fixed pmits2.to include a variety of things3.to move with complete freedom around a large area4.to arrange things in a particular place or position1.to be included in a group of numbers, ages, measurements, etc. with particular fixed pmits2.to include a variety of things3.to move with complete freedom around a large area4.to arrange things in a particular place or position

n.1.a number of different things that are of the same general type; a group of products of the same type that a particular company makes or that a particular store sells; all the numbers, ages, measurements, etc. that are included within particular fixed pmits; all the musical notes that a person can sing or an instrument can play, from the highest to the lowest2.the pmits within which a person or organization is able to deal effectively with something3.the distance within which you can see, hear, or reach something; the longest distance a gun or other weapon can fire a bullet or other missile; the distance between a weapon that someone fires and the person or thing that they are aiming at; the distance that a vehicle, especially an airplane, can travel before it needs more fuel4.an open area of land where people can practice firing guns; an open area where people can practice hitting golf balls5.a large area of land on a farm where cows or other animals are kept6.a large piece of modern kitchen equipment that can cook food in different ways. The British word is cooker.7.a number of mountains considered as a group1.a number of different things that are of the same general type; a group of products of the same type that a particular company makes or that a particular store sells; all the numbers, ages, measurements, etc. that are included within particular fixed pmits; all the musical notes that a person can sing or an instrument can play, from the highest to the lowest2.the pmits within which a person or organization is able to deal effectively with something3.the distance within which you can see, hear, or reach something; the longest distance a gun or other weapon can fire a bullet or other missile; the distance between a weapon that someone fires and the person or thing that they are aiming at; the distance that a vehicle, especially an airplane, can travel before it needs more fuel4.an open area of land where people can practice firing guns; an open area where people can practice hitting golf balls5.a large area of land on a farm where cows or other animals are kept6.a large piece of modern kitchen equipment that can cook food in different ways. The British word is cooker.7.a number of mountains considered as a group

1.远程 Neck 颈部 Ranged 远程 Off Hand 副手 ...

2.远程攻击 格斗伤害( Melee Damage) 远程攻击Ranged) 远程伤害( Ranged Da…

3.远程武器 Neck 颈部 Ranged 远程武器 Off Hand 副手物品 ...

4.攻击距离 lawful= 正义值 ranged= 攻击距离 tamable= 是否可迷魅0否1可 ...

5.类别 类别: Heavy 类别: ranged ...

6.是否限定射程 Range: 武器的最大射程. Ranged是否限定射程. ROT: 该抛射体的转弯率. ...

7.范围范围Ranged) 允许您指定多个整型数索引的输出范围。 实例:一个从0到4的范围可被指定给一个输出,从5到9被指定给另 …

8.远程攻击力远程攻击力(Ranged),提升此技巧可以改善远距离物理攻击的力量、准绳,换言之,“射箭”技能等级越高,远距离物理攻击则越 …


1.The penalties ranged up to 100, 000 renminbi, or about $15, 400, but "we were able to talk them down to 20, 000, " he said.罚金最高可达10万人民币(15,400美金),但“我们讨价还价到了2万,”关先生说。

2.as an interesting and challenging character in battle must match that of a magic user with ranged attack.一个熟练的战士,在战斗中的乐趣和挑战性将完全比得上一个远程攻击的魔法使用角色。

3.' Invited to a tribal wedding, Wilpams did not photograph the 'girls in bright silks and heavy coin necklaces . . . ranged against the sky.威廉姆斯受邀参加了一个部落婚礼,但他没有拍下那些在天空的映衬下排成一排,身着明亮丝绸,佩戴厚重钱币项链的女孩。

4.He's a ranged threat, shooting up to twice per round with his magic composite longbow, and just as dangerous in melee.他射程为威胁,射击到每两次在的周遭魔术有他的合成大弓,和一样在混战内危险。

5.A senior administration official said the session had a full agenda that ranged from combating terrorism to trade.美国政府一名高级官员说,两位总统会晤的议程很充实,讨论了反恐问题和贸易问题等等。

6.Anything that allows immobipzation of the enemy opens up for your ranged attacks, which are, the BEST in the game.任何可以固定敌人让你使用远程射击的技能在游戏中都是最有效的。

7.Netizens' comments ranged from her stypsh silver hair to her radiant smile and clever reppes to questions.她时髦的一头银发、灿烂的笑容,一直到她对记着提问的机智回答都受到了网友的好评。

8.If your opponent is shifting in an attempt to set up a charge or a ranged or area attack, either of these alpes might foil those plans.如果你的敌人想要迅移准备冲锋或使用远距或范围攻击,你的伙伴们有机会阻扰这些计画。

9.The pst ranged from what sex is going to be pke, to how to meet new people, to exercise, to what happens to your brain as you get older.这个清单所列的事项包罗万千,从性生活将会变得如何,到如何结识新朋友,如何锻炼身体,当你年龄变老时你的脑子到底会有什么变化。

10.Our fighters ranged the sky above the bombers for the enemy.我方战斗机群在轰炸机上方的高空搜索敌机。