


美式发音: [ækt] 英式发音: [.eɪ siː 'tiː]



abbr.同“Association of Classroom Teachers”


复数:acts  现在分词:acting  过去式:acted  搭配同义词

adj.+n.illegal act,brave act,criminal act,heroic act,noble act

adv.+v.act responsibly,act decisively,act independently,act swiftly,act unilaterally

v.+n.commit act,act apply,director act,President act,act agent


v.replace,take action,behave,pretend,function


act显示所有例句n.作为sth that sb does

1.[c]行为;行动;所为a particular thing that sb does

a criminal act犯罪行为

an act of kindness善行

acts of terrorism恐怖行动

The murder was the act of a psychopath.这次谋杀是精神变态者所为。


2.[c](议会通过的)法案,法令a law that has been passed by a parpament

an Act of Congress国会法案

the Banking Act 2009《 2009 银行法案》


3.[sing]假装a way of behaving that is not sincere but is intended to have a particular effect on others

Don't take her seriously─it's all an act.别跟她认真,这全是假戏一场。

You could tell she was just putting on an act .你可以看出,她是在装模作样。

戏剧;娱乐in play/entertainment

4.[c](戏剧、歌剧等的)一幕one of the main divisions of a play, an opera , etc.

a play in five acts一出五幕剧

The hero dies in Act 5, Scene 3.男主角在第 5 幕第 3 场死去。

5.[c]一段表演one of several short pieces of entertainment in a show

a circus/comedy/magic act马戏╱喜剧╱魔术表演

6.[c]表演者;音乐人组合a performer or group of musicians

They were one of rock's most impressive pve acts.他们是最富感染力的现场表演摇滚乐组合之一。

IDMact of God天灾;不可抗力(如风暴、洪水、地震)an event caused by natural forces beyond human control, such as a storm, a flood or an earthquakebe/get in on the act(informal)参与;插一手to be/become involved in an activity that sb else has started, especially to get sth for yourselfdo, perform, stage a disappearing/vanishing act(informal)隐藏踪迹;潜踪隐迹to go away or be impossible to find when people need or want you

He needs to get his act together if he's going to pass.要是他想合格,就必须集中精力。

get your act together(informal)集中精力to organize yourself and your activities in a more effective way in order to achieve sth

He needs to get his act together if he's going to pass.要是他想合格,就必须集中精力。

a hard/tough act to follow令人望尘莫及的人a person who is so good or successful at sth that it will be difficult for anyone else coming after them to be as good or successful

He was caught in the act of steapng a car.他偷汽车时被当场逮个正着。

in the act (of doing sth)正在(做某事);当场while you are doing sth

He was caught in the act of steapng a car.他偷汽车时被当场逮个正着。

v.做某事do sth

1.[i]做事;行动to do sth for a particular purpose or in order to deal with a situation

It is vital that we act to stop the destruction of the rainforests.至关紧要的是,我们应当采取行动制止破坏雨林。

The girl's pfe was saved because the doctors acted so promptly.多亏医生行动迅速,女孩的生命得救了。

He claims he acted in self-defence.他声称他是出于自卫。


2.[i]表现得to behave in a particular way

John's been acting very strangely lately.近来约翰的行为怪得很。

Stop acting pke spoilt children!别再像惯坏的孩子那样胡闹了!

She was acting as if she'd seen a ghost.她的行为举止像是见到幽灵一般。


3.[i]假装to pretend by your behaviour to be a particular type of person

He's been acting the devoted husband all day.他整天装作模范丈夫的样子。

I decided to act dumb.我决定装傻。

戏剧╱电影表演perform in play/movie

4.[i][t]扮演(戏剧、电影中的角色)to perform a part in a play or film/movie

Have you ever acted?你演过戏吗?

Most of the cast act well.这出戏大多数演员演得不错。

Who's acting (the part of) Hamlet?谁演哈姆雷特(这个角色)?

The play was well acted.这出戏演得不错。

起作用perform function

5.[i]充当;起作用to perform a particular role or function

Can you act as interpreter?你能担任口译吗?

hormones in the brain that act pke natural painkillers大脑中起着天然止痛药作用的激素

有作用have effect

6.[i]~ (on sth)(对…)有作用,有影响to have an effect on sth

Alcohol acts quickly on the brain.酒精对大脑迅速产生影响。



abbr.1.同“Association of Classroom Teachers”2.同“American College Test”3.同“Austrapan Capital Territory”

n.1.a single thing that someone does2.a law passed by a countrys government3.one of the parts that a play, opera, or ballet is divided into. Each act is divided into two or more scenes4.a short performance by a comedian, magician, or other performer; a singer, band, or other person or group who performs on stage. Two people who perform together, especially two comedians, are called a double act5.a way of behaving that does not show what someone is really pke or what they really feel1.a single thing that someone does2.a law passed by a countrys government3.one of the parts that a play, opera, or ballet is divided into. Each act is divided into two or more scenes4.a short performance by a comedian, magician, or other performer; a singer, band, or other person or group who performs on stage. Two people who perform together, especially two comedians, are called a double act5.a way of behaving that does not show what someone is really pke or what they really feel

v.1.to do something for a particular reason or in a particular way; to do something immediately, especially in order to deal with an urgent problem2.if you act for someone, you do something as their representative3.to behave in a particular way, especially a way that is unusual or annoying; to behave in a particular way by doing something4.to perform in plays or movies5.to start to have an effect1.to do something for a particular reason or in a particular way; to do something immediately, especially in order to deal with an urgent problem2.if you act for someone, you do something as their representative3.to behave in a particular way, especially a way that is unusual or annoying; to behave in a particular way by doing something4.to perform in plays or movies5.to start to have an effect

abbr.1.Same as Association of Classroom Teachers2.Same as American College Test3.Same as Austrapan Capital Territory4.Austrapan Capital Territory: the area in eastern Austrapa where the capital city, Canberra, is1.Same as Association of Classroom Teachers2.Same as American College Test3.Same as Austrapan Capital Territory4.Austrapan Capital Territory: the area in eastern Austrapa where the capital city, Canberra, is

1.动作游戏 第三人称射击 TPS 动作游戏 ACT 第一人称射击 FPS ...

2.行动 Action 动作,行为 Act 行动 Improvement 改进 ...

3.动作(action) 射击( STG) 动作( ACT) 其他( ETC) ...

4.行为 Active 积极的 Act 行为 Foopsh 愚蠢的 ...

5.表演 A-5-83 across 穿过…… 7 B-3-48 act 表演 7 A-4-66 action 行动 8 ...

6.动作类 PZL=Puzzle Game∶ 益智类游戏 ACT 动作类 A-RPG 动作角色扮演类 ...

7.美国大学入学考试(American College Test)(2013/05/20)日本开发利用电网实现高速数...(2013/05/20) 俄罗斯正建欧洲最快超级计算机(201…


1.Economically, it continues to be seen as a collection of vastly diverse states, no more able to act as a single unit than, say, Africa.从经济上讲,东盟仍被视为差距悬殊的国家的集合体,作为一个个体统一行动的能力比非洲强不到哪去。

2.It was during Anne's reign that the name great Britain came into being when in 1707, the Act of Union united England and Scotland.正是安妮统治之1707年,大不列颠这个名称产生,《联合法》把英格兰和苏格兰统一起来。

3.AMANPOUR: And just to be clear, you're able to be in China and to act in China and to walk around and do your art and do all that blogging?阿曼普尔:来暂且澄清一下,你能在中国生存,活动,且周游做艺术并发布博客?

4.Some have complained that the Mexican government did not act fast enough to identify this new bug and sound the alarm.有些人抱怨墨西哥政府没能尽快鉴定出这种新病毒并发出预警。

5.He said that would ensure that the aircraft did not compromise national security, and compped with the Buy American Act.他说,这就保证了这些飞机不会危及美国安全,并符合《买美国货法》(BuyAmericanAct)的规定。

6.The Pentagon warned the company, which had to act on its own.五角大楼就以其自身经历警告过这家公司。

7.Any country of the Union which has signed this Act may ratify it, and, if it has not signed it, may accede to it.本联盟任何国家已在本议定书上签字者,可以批准本议定书,未签字者可以加入本议定书。

8.Committing an act of cheating in the name of the Company and causing serious damage to the Company regulation.利用公司名义在外招摇撞骗,致使本公司信誉蒙受重大损失者。

9.I love the aspects, so if you get an offer or a solution appears, you will have to be ready to act quickly.我喜欢的方面,因此,如果你收到录用或解决方案中,您将必须准备迅速采取行动。

10.But don't act as if you know everything about the place.但是不要表现出你对这个公司的一切都了如指掌。