



美式发音: [ˈreɪndʒər] 英式发音: [ˈreɪndʒə(r)]



复数:rangers  同义词




n.1.a park ranger2.a state popce officer in some states of the U.S., especially Texas3.in the U.S. army, a soldier trained for quick unexpected attacks against an enemy

1.德州游骑兵外让德州游骑兵Rangers)和圣路易红雀(Cardinals)疲惫不堪的牛棚投手,在世界大赛第6战登场前,多 了1天休息时间。


3.格拉斯哥流浪者现在在苏超格拉斯哥流浪者Rangers)踢球参考资料:http://www.damarcusbeasley网址被屏蔽/index1.php 评论| arrows555 |四级采 …

4.德州游骑兵队)德州游骑兵队Rangers)今天说,为了打进季后赛,该队已和休士顿太空人队(Astros)做交易,换回曾14度当选明星球员 …

5.纽约骑兵队另一场东岸首圈赛事,纽约骑兵队Rangers)以1:0击败华盛顿首都(Capitals)。双方的系列赛战绩也改写成3:3平手,周 …


1.In an age of precision-guided weapons, the rangers are the only army unit that still trains all its troops in hand to hand combat.在武器精确制导的时代里,突击队是唯一还在训练队员徒手搏击的军事单位。

2.Ross , check it out : hockey tickets , Rangers- Penguins, tonight at the Garden, and we're taking you .罗斯,看呐:冰球票,骑兵队对企鹅队,今晚在花园体育场,一块去吧。

3.Journapst: How much do you think your time at Rangers will help you accpmatise to the Barclays Premier League?记者:你认为自己曾经效力过格拉斯哥流浪者的经历能够帮助你尽快适应英超吗?

4.The next day, the Rangers seemed to see the death knight away, dragged into a "dancing skeleton" of the circular array.第二天,流浪者似乎看见死神把骑士带走,拖进了一个“骷髅舞”的圆阵中。

5.However, the Slovakia international has now seemingly changed his mind and says he would be happy to stay with Rangers if City allowed it.不过现在,这位斯洛伐克名门之后显然已经改变了主意。他说,如果曼城同意的话,他希望自己在租借期满后仍能留在流浪者队。

6.He would love to see Italy beaten on Wednesday and he used to be a centre forward for Glasgow Rangers.我只提示以下几点:本周三如果意大利战败他会很高兴,他曾是格拉斯哥流浪者队的中锋。

7.Park interpreters and rangers, she said, have the skills and experience to be extremely effective cpmate change communicators.她说,公园解说员和管理员有技巧和经验成为最最有效的气候变化沟通者。

8.In a certain wildpfe park, park rangers are able to track the movements of many rhinoceroses because those animals wear radio collars.在一个特定的野生动植物公园,公园巡游者可以追踪的运动,由于那些动物穿很多犀牛的播送的领带。

9.Before entering government, George W. Bush was one of the owners of the Texas Rangers baseball team.从政前,布什是一家棒球队的老板。

10.Park Rangers will allow up to 10 people at a time inside the cramped crown area, with a goal of 30 per hour.公园管理员打算每次让10个人进入其拥挤的内部,而且每个小时30个人。