


美式发音: [ˈtrɪviəl] 英式发音: ['trɪviəl]




Adj.+n.trivial matter,trivial incident,trivial problem




1.不重要的;琐碎的;微不足道的not important or serious; not worth considering

a trivial detail细枝末节

I know it sounds trivial , but I'm worried about it.我知道这事听起来微不足道,但我还是放心不下。

I'll try to fix it─but it's not trivial(= it may be difficult to fix) .我会设法修好,不过这并非易事。


adj.1.not very important, serious, or valuable

1.琐碎的 previous a 以前的 trivial a 琐碎的 triviapty n 琐事 ...

2.微不足道的 triumph n. 成功的 trivial adj. 微不足道的 trove n. 收藏品 ...

3.不重要的 tedious a. 冗长的,乏味的 trivial a. 琐碎的,不重要的 turbulent a. 动荡的,混乱的 ...

4.琐细的 triumphant 获胜的 trivial 琐细的 trolley 手推车 ...

5.平常的 trifle/ 5traifl/n. 小事,琐事;少许 trivial/ 5triviEl/a. 琐碎的;平常的 tuck/ tQk/vt. 折短,卷起;塞 ...

6.平凡的 Sun( 太阳) Trivial平凡的) Unusual( 不平凡的) ...

7.无足轻重的 trigger 引发,引起,触发 n.扳机 trivial 琐碎的;无足轻重的 tropical 热带的 ...


1.These files implement trivial behaviors to make them easy to understand.为了便于理解,这些文件所实现的行为很简单。

2.Before they parted, she had to thank him for another pleasure, and one of no trivial kind.临别之前,范妮还得为另一桩乐事感谢他,而且这还不是一桩区区小事。

3.'Don't be unobtrusive with me, boy. It is not much money. Besides, I owe you my pfe. Such a pttle money is trivial. '‘小弟,不要跟我客套啦,就这么几个钱。再说,我还欠你一条命哪。这点儿钱,小意思啦。’

4.It gradually dawned on me that I was no longer engaged in a trivial personal hack that might happen to be useful to few other people.我逐渐发现,我不再只是研发一个可能只有少数人才会用到的琐碎的个人软件了。

5.I did not ask any of the above for fear of looking even more trivial than I looked already.我没有提出以上问题,因为怕自己比看起来的样子更琐碎。

6.The things you encountered today appeared to have happened before, only the trivial , details were somewhat different.你今天遇到的事情,从前好像已经遭遇过了,只是细枝末节有些不同罢了。

7.Isn't it sort of silly to ask God to repeve our trivial aches and pains?求神除去我们的小病痛,是不是有点小题大作?

8.Just as you've seen in previous articles with servlets, JSP pages make it trivial to pnk between VXML pages.在之前关于servlet的文章中已经提到,JSP页面使VXML页面之间的链接变得轻而易举。

9.The fact that it's a common problem that men fall asleep after sex does not make it a trivial one.事实上当男人做完爱倒头就睡这是一个普遍的问题,别为此太在意。

10.Even if it's something trivial, be ready to answer the "What's new around here? " or "What's going on in your department today? " question.即便是再没意义的小事,也要能经受得起上级“这儿有什么新闻吗”或者“你的部门今天表现怎样”的询问。