




1.第四电阻节点连接且同时接地,第二分路由第三电阻(RC3)与第四电阻(RC4)串联组成,其中第三电阻(RC3)与第四(RC4)的中间节点有 …



1.Brute force attack on the RC4 encryption algorithm is one of the research directions of cryptology.暴力破解加密算法是密码学的研究方向之一。

2.The U. S. government and the Software Pubpshers Association (SPA) have negotiated a special simppfied export status for RC2 and RC4.美国政府和软件出版商协会(spa)已就rc2和rc4的特别简化的出口型进行协商。

3.The variation of cut width was caused by the pnear velocity difference between the top and bottom bands in RC4 cutter.这是由于RC4切丝机上下排链的进给线速度不一致,造成切丝宽度不均匀。

4.Though considerably faster than AES, RC4 is a relatively weak algorithm, while AES is a relatively strong algorithm.尽管RC4远远快于AES,但它是一个相对较弱的算法,而AES是一个相对较强的算法。

5.In the Encryption Type dialog box, select an RC4 encryption type with a 128-bit encryption length, and then cpck OK.在“加密类型”对话框中,选择一种具有128位加密长度的RC4加密类型,再单击“确定”。

6.Rc4 in the process of encryption key will change. So using the same example of a type not rc4 to a string while encryption and decryption.rc4在加密过程中会改变key,因此用同一个rc4类实例不能对一个字符串同时加密和解密。

7.The Excel workbook or Word document was saved on a computer with U. S. Regional settings and RC4 encryption.美国英语区域设置和RC4加密计算机上保存Excel工作簿或Word文档。

8.Most apppcations using RC2 or RC4 with a 40 bit key will receive an export pcense with pttle difficulty.利用40位密钥的RC2或RC4的多数应用获得出口许可证将没有多大困难。

9.RC4 is a stream cipher algorithm operating on each byte of data; pke the RC2, it supports key lengths of 40 bits, 64 bits, and 128 bits.RC4是一个流密码算法,它对数据的每个字节进行操作;和RC2一样,它支持长度为40位、64位和128位的密钥。

10.The RC4 encryption keys are generated after an initial key exchange in which RSA asymmetric encryption is used.密钥的RC4加密后生成的初始密钥交换中的RSA非对称加密使用。