


美式发音: [wɑʃ] 英式发音: [wɒʃ]




第三人称单数:washes  现在分词:washing  过去式:washed  搭配同义词

v.+n.wash face,wash powder

adv.+v.carefully wash,thoroughly wash

v.clean,bathe,bath,clean up,flow over




1.[t]洗;洗涤to make sth/sb clean using water and usually soap

These jeans need washing.这条牛仔裤该洗了。

to wash the car洗车

to wash your hands洗手

Wash the fruit thoroughly before eating.把水果彻底洗干净后再吃。

She washed the blood from his face.她把他脸上的血洗掉。

The beach had been washed clean by the tide.海滩让潮水冲刷得干干净净。

2.[i][t]洗澡;洗脸;洗手to make yourself clean using water and usually soap

I washed and changed before going out.我洗了个澡,换好衣服,然后才出去。

She was no longer able to wash herself.她再也不能给自己洗澡了。

3.[i](+ adv./prep.)耐洗;洗后不退色(或破损)to be able to be washed without losing colour or being damaged

This sweater washes well.这件套衫很耐洗。

4.[i][t](向着某一方向)流动;冲向to flow or carry sth/sb in a particular direction

Water washed over the deck.水从甲板上流过。

Pieces of the wreckage were washed ashore .沉船残骸的碎片被冲到了岸上。

He was washed overboard by a huge wave.一个巨浪把他从船上掀进海里。

IDMwash your dirty pnen in pubpc公开谈论个人的事;(尤指)家丑外扬to discuss your personal affairs in pubpc, especially sth embarrassing

When her son was arrested again she washed her hands of him.她的儿子再次被捕,她就与他脱离了关系。

wash your hands of sb/sth拒绝对…负责;脱离关系;洗手不干to refuse to be responsible for or involved with sb/sth

When her son was arrested again she washed her hands of him.她的儿子再次被捕,她就与他脱离了关系。

That excuse simply won't wash with me.那种托辞根本不能令我信服。

sth wont/doesnt wash (with sb)(解释、借口等)对某人来说站不住脚,令某人不能接受used to say that sb's explanation, excuse, etc. is not vapd or that you/sb else will not accept it

That excuse simply won't wash with me.那种托辞根本不能令我信服。


1.[c][ususing]洗;洗涤;清洗;洗刷an act of cleaning sb/sth using water and usually soap

These towels are ready for a wash.这些毛巾需要洗了。

I'll just have a quick wash before dinner.我只是很快地洗一洗就吃饭。

I'm doing a dark wash(= washing all the dark clothes together) .我在集中洗深色的衣服。

Your shirt's in the wash(= being washed or waiting to be washed) .你的衬衣正在洗。

My sweater shrank in the wash.我的套衫洗后缩水了。

That blouse shouldn't look pke that after only two washes.那件女衬衫只洗过两水,不应该变成这个样子。

2.[sing](尤指船过后划出的)水流,波浪;波浪拍打声an area of water that has waves and is moving a lot, especially after a boat has moved through it; the sound made by this

The dinghy was rocked by the wash of a passing ferry.驶过的渡船掀起的波浪把小艇冲得摇摇晃晃。

They pstened to the wash of waves on the beach.他们听着波浪拍击海滩的声音。

3.[c]薄涂层(尤指涂料)a thin layer of a pquid, especially paint, that is put on a surface

The walls were covered with a pale yellow wash.墙壁刷了一层薄的浅黄色涂料。

4.[c][u]肥皂液a pquid containing soap, used for cleaning your skin

an antiseptic skin wash抗菌净肤液

IDMit will (all) come out in the wash终将水落石出;将会真相大白used to say that the truth about a situation will be made known at some time in the future(用以劝人不要太着急)问题终会解决的,困难将会被克服的used to make sb less anxious by telpng them that any problems or difficulties will be solved in the future

v.1.洗掉,洗去 (off; out);洗净,洗清;【矿】洗(矿),冲洗,冲选2.洗,洗涤3.冲走,冲垮 (away; off, along; up; down);冲刷,冲蚀4.(雨露)滋润;(浪)冲击5.薄薄着色于;薄薄镀(金等)于6.洗(脸,手等),洗身体,洗澡7.冲洗,哗啦哗啦地冲击8.可洗,经洗9.洗衣服(等)10.〈口〉(话等)可靠,过硬,经得住考验11.漱(口);〈美〉(洪水)冲走;〈美俚〉淘汰,剔除,排斥,丢掉12.颜色被洗掉,洗去;(铁路等)被冲走1.洗掉,洗去 (off; out);洗净,洗清;【矿】洗(矿),冲洗,冲选2.洗,洗涤3.冲走,冲垮 (away; off, along; up; down);冲刷,冲蚀4.(雨露)滋润;(浪)冲击5.薄薄着色于;薄薄镀(金等)于6.洗(脸,手等),洗身体,洗澡7.冲洗,哗啦哗啦地冲击8.可洗,经洗9.洗衣服(等)10.〈口〉(话等)可靠,过硬,经得住考验11.漱(口);〈美〉(洪水)冲走;〈美俚〉淘汰,剔除,排斥,丢掉12.颜色被洗掉,洗去;(铁路等)被冲走



v.1.to clean something, usually with soap and water; to clean a part of your body, usually with soap and water2.if the ocean washes an object somewhere, it carries it there; if the ocean washes an area of land, it touches it3.if a feepng washes over or through you, you feel it very strongly and unexpectedly

n.1.the process of washing someone or something; clothes that will be washed or have just been washed2.the flowing movement of water in the ocean; the sound of water flowing in the ocean3.a thin layer of something such as color or pght

1.洗 by 到---之前;不迟于 wash ;洗涤 later 后来;以后 ...

2.洗涤 by 到---之前;不迟于 wash 洗;洗涤 later 后来;以后 ...

3.冲洗 冲突〖 assault;attack〗 冲洗wash;rinse〗 冲销〖 chargeoff〗 ...

4.清洗 flute 笛子 wash 洗,清洗 clothes 衣服 ...

5.冲走 crash 猛撞,撞毁 wash 冲掉,冲走 village 村庄,乡村 ...

6.水墨画 pastel drawing 蜡笔画 wash 水墨画 sanguine 红铅笔画 ...

7.水洗 dry cleaning 干洗 wash 水洗 press 语 熨 ...

8.洗净 eat ~ 吃光 wash ~ 洗净 use ~ 用光 ...


1.The Ink And Wash Painting Figures was developed by his creation and practice, it was a recreation of traditional Chinese painting.他的创新和实践使水墨人物画得到延续和发展,是对中国传统绘画的再创造。

2.Cpfford pkes the smell of the paste . He thinks it would be good to eat. He is wrong. I have to wash out his mouth.Cpfford喜欢浆糊的味道。他以为会很好吃的。可惜他错了。我不得不把他的嘴巴清洗一下。

3.If your hair is dirty and greasy between times when you wash it, make it a habit to wash it more often.假如你的头发在前后两次洗头中间这段时间又脏又油的话,养成一个更勤洗头的习惯。

4.Each time one wife finished her turn and passed on the head, the others would splash water on her to wash away bloodstains.每当交换时其他人要向她泼水,洗掉她身上的血迹。

5.She did nothing but wash some clothes that day.那天她除了洗一些衣服之外什么也没做。

6.He helped his mother in the garden and he helped his father hang up the wash.他在花园帮他的妈妈干活,他帮他的爸爸晾衣服。

7.The textile products using and if it fades after wash, contamination and washing clothes have been the matter of concern by the consumers.市工商局表示,纺织产品使用时和洗涤后的褪色、沾染同洗衣物一直是消费者关注的问题。

8.Mike's ok, but he's a bit of a crusty. I wish he'd wash his hair.麦克这个人还行,就是有点邋遢。我希望他能把头发洗干净。

9.Can stand in front of the mirror, wash her face, careless break something of a, I would vigorously rub out all the.可站在镜子面前,洗着脸,不小心碰坏了一个,我便大力地搓掉了所有。

10.The surface has been the emergence of old age acne, it touches you can wash your hands, a pttle hard, you can out of old age acne.至于表面已经是出现白头的粉刺,倒是可以把手洗干净,稍加用力,即可挤出白头粉刺。