




1.一段时间之后 near 在附近 some time later 一段时间之后 some time earper 一段时间之前 ...

2.一段时间以后 ☆over 在...上面(垂直上方) ☆some time later 一段时间以后 ☆put out 人为地熄灭 ...

3.不久之后 ... 不久之后,不知什么原因 Some time later, 有人枪杀了这位不错的年轻总统 somebody shot ...

4.稍后 9. I enjoy it very much. 我非常喜欢。 (some time later 稍后) G:Sure,go ahead. 好的,请便。 ...

5.不一会 ... a wonderful meal 一顿美餐 some time later 不一会 feel tired 感到疲劳 ...

6.一会儿以后 ... 67. some time ago 不久前; 不久前 68. some time later 一会儿以后 69. some time or other 迟早; 迟早 ...

7.一段时间之前 ... beside = next to 与……相邻 some time later 一段时间之前 some time earper 一段时间以前 ...

8.一会之后 tell stories 讲故事 some time later 一会之后 put out 灭火 ...


1.This communication is said to be asynchronous because events do not arrive immediately in response to requests, but some time later.之所以称为异步,是因为请求响应不是立刻发生的,而是要等一段时间。

2.But some time later it began to rein. The days felt tired so they put out the fire and went into their tene.但是在晚些时候,天下起了雨,孩子们感到有些疲倦,于是他们熄灭了篝火并钻进了帐篷。

3.Some time later, the young man, looking white and ill, came out again and called Jerry, so we went across the road.过了一会儿,那小伙子苍白、病弱地走出店铺叫杰利,我们走了过去。

4.But some time later, after I left the place and got to a new place alone, I finally found I can't do that.但是一段时间以后,在我离开那个地方,独自去一个新的环境的时候,我发现我不能这样做。

5.Some time later, the man came out through the front door and took a turn round the grounds.过了些时候,那老头穿过前门出来,围着他家整个儿园子转了一圈。

6.If you have faith, you just need to trust that every outcome is always to your advantage. You just might not know it until some time later.如果你有信念,你只需相信每件发生的事情都对你有好处,只是你可能要到后来才知道罢了。

7.If you have faith, you just trust that every outcome is always to your advantage. You might not know it until some time later.如果你有信念,你只需要坚信付出总会得到回报。你可能不会发现,直到后来…

8.Some time later, they brought it back to see if it remembered which plate had the food.一段时间后,他们把它带回来,看它是否记住了食物在哪块平板下。

9.Now some time later I was in USA and that pilot appeared in a meeting I attended. As I looked at him, I hated him with a bitter hatred.后来我在美国去参加一个会议,恰巧那个飞行员也出席了。当我看见他时,我的心里充满了仇恨。

10.I have been called Hey, You! and Get Out of the Way! and Look Out! And then, some time later, Plaintiff.有个人一直叫我:嗨,说你!让开!小心啊!然后,不久,我成了原告。