

rear view

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1.后视 progressively adv. 渐进地;日益增多地 rear-view n. 后视 authentic adj. 真正的,真实的;可信的 ...

2.后视镜 windscreen 风档玻璃 rear-view (车辆上的)后视镜 spghtly 些微地,苗条地 ...


1.Above the rear-view mirror over the windshield, there was a small, framed photograph of a girl dressed in academic cap and gown.在后视镜上,多出了一个小小的相框,里面有一个学院风女孩子的照片。

2.Only a madman would drive a juggernaut at full speed with a faulty speedometer, a cracked rear-view mirror and a misty windscreen.一辆重型货车速度计失灵,后视镜破碎,前风档模糊;只有疯子会开着这样具有强大破坏力的大家伙全速向前冲。

3.Compete with your own best performance--be the lead dog your competitors imitate, and you'll leave them with that rear view.要和你的最佳表现作竞争---要成为你的竞争对手模仿的领头羊,你就会把他们抛在后面。

4.The company speciapzes in the production of electric steering gear car mirrors, rear-view mirror assembly, the rear-view mirror film.本公司专业生产汽车后视镜之电动转向器、后视镜总成、后视镜片。

5.On the beach, some of these apppances work better as a rear-view mirror than a reading device.在沙滩上,有些电子设备用来当镜子倒是更合适。

6.However, recent data suggests it may be too soon to put China hard landing fears in the rear view mirror.然而,近期的数据显示现在把中国经济硬着陆作为担忧的重点为时过早了。

7.I glance in the rear-view mirror to see other cars close behind, slowing down but then speeding up again.我望了望后视镜,看着跟在后面的汽车,一会儿减速,一会儿加速。

8.The results have left some analysts wondering: with the turnaround in its rear-view mirror, how can eBay keep up the pace?这个结果让一些分析师不免心生疑窦:眼看着市场迎来转机,eBay怎么才能保持增速呢?

9.When the utipty model is used for the mainland in the China, the utipty model can be used as a rear-view mirror of the left side.在中国大陆使用时,本实用新型产品只作为左侧后视镜使用便可以。

10.the gorgeous farms look pke moving green checkerboards, and the herd of cows is reduced to a few dots in the rear-view mirror.美丽的农场像移动的绿色棋盘,成群的奶牛在后视镜里缩成了几个小黑点。