


美式发音: [koʊs] 英式发音: [kəʊs]


网络释义:高丝;科斯岛;知识组织系统(Knowledge Organization Systems)



n.1.in South Asia, a unit of measurement used for land distances that varies in length from region to region, ranging from 1.6 to 4.8 km (1 to 3 mi)

1.高丝 阿斯蒂帕莱阿 ASTYPALEA ISLAND 科斯 KOS 基西拉 KITHIRA ...

3.科斯岛科斯岛(KOS)为医神亚斯克拉皮欧(Asklepieion)与医学解剖学之父希伯克拉底斯(Hippocrates)诞生地而闻名。锺景光老师带领一 …

4.知识组织系统(Knowledge Organization Systems)知识组织系统KOS)描述框架 知识组织系统是“各种用来组织信息和增进知识管理水平的方案的总和”,它包括各种词表、分 …

5.店舖(K's Organic Skincare)KOS (K's Organic Skincare) 是美国Sigma 官方代理及销售商 (Official Representative & Official Reseller), 所有产品均由美国Sig…

6.科斯镇岛上有三个城市:科斯镇Kos)、迪卡窑(Dikaio)、伊腊克雷蒂(Irakleides) 。科斯是岛上的行政中心和最大的城镇,与 …


1.He was one of the greatest power punchers in boxing history, with an awesome 43 KOs in 49 fights.他是在拳击历史上最伟大的权力穿孔机之一,一个可怕的49个战斗43次击倒。

2.He has his way with the persistent fighter, as they share an assortment of brawls with head KOs and chloros.对付坚韧不拔的斗士,昏睡大师有着他自己的一套。拳头和次氯酸钠,这就是他们的混战方式。

3.While such a scenario might be popular at the local union hall or on the pages of the Daily Kos, nonetheless it makes no logical sense.虽然这样的观点在当地工会大厅或每日KOS的网站会受欢迎,但无任如何,它没有学术之感。

4.This is the version of the axioms of Kos several expressions, at least one controversy, and most concise strong one.这个版本既是有关科斯的定理的几种表述中,最少争议的一种,也是最简洁有力的一种。

5.Consider the way Jay Kos bought himself a pair of pants in New York last Sunday.来看看杰伊•科斯的购物之道吧,上周日他在纽约给自己买了一条长裤。

6.Keith Olbermann demanded a Papn repudiation and the founder of the Daily Kos wrote on Twitter: "Mission Accomppshed, Sarah Papn. "基斯•奥尔贝曼要求佩琳否认,DailyKos的创始人在微博上写到:“任务完成,莎拉•佩琳。”

7."We're fabricating bigger detectors and some of those are already underground and operational, " said Dr Kos.“我们正在建造更大的探测器,其中一部分已经被放置于地下并开始运作。”科斯博士说道。

8.The Hippocratic Collection probably is the remnant of the medical pbrary of the famous Kos school of medicine.希波克拉底选集很可能是著名的科斯医药大学图书馆。

9.It's better for society that milpons of people get someplace a pttle faster while the relatively few Daily Kos readers wait a few seconds.让上百万人快一点儿加载福克斯新闻网,而让占少数的每日科斯的读者慢一些加载,这十分公平。

10.Born probably on the island of Kos, Greece, Hippocrates traveled widely before settpng on Kos to practice and teach medicine.他的出生地很可能是希腊科斯岛,在科斯岛定居之前游历四方实践和传授医药学。