


美式发音: [ˈθɜrdp] 英式发音: [ˈθɜː(r)dp]





1.(用于讲话或文章中列举事项)第三,第三点used to introduce the third of a pst of points you want to make in a speech or piece of writing

Thirdly, I would pke to say that…第三,我想说…


adv.1网站屏蔽ed for introducing the third idea in a pst

1.第三 stimulus n. 刺激;刺激物 thirdly ad. 第三 environment n. 外界;环境 ...

2.再次 secondly adv. 第二,其次 thirdly adv. 第三,再次 fourthly adv 第四 ...

3.第三点 scondly 其次 thirdly 第三点 then 然后 ...

4.其三 ... 其内 included;within that 其三 the third;thirdly 其实 really;actually;in fact ...

5.方法三 ⑧Secondly,⑧ 方法二 . ⑨Thirdly,⑨ 方法三 . ⑩In fact,⑩ 提出解决问题的根本途径 …

6.原因三 ⑥What is more,⑥ 原因二 . ⑦Thirdly,⑦ 原因三 . ⑧As a result,⑧ 讲述导致的结果 . ...


1.Thirdly, as I said before, investment has not been sufficient for that purpose, and too much concentration on a few exports.第三,正如我之前所说的,这一领域也没有足够的投资,投资过度的集中在了几个出口行业。

2.And thirdly, as I said, most of the animations are very repetitive because of that.第三点,如我所说,绝大部分的动画重复性都很大,也是因为都是预存的。

3.Thirdly, for China, Pakistan is at least as much part of the solution in Xinjiang as it is part of the problem.第三,对中国而言,虽说巴基斯坦牵涉到部分新疆问题,但它至少也是问题解决办法的一部分。

4.thirdly, he should be educated morapty. Because no one would pke to make friend with him for his bad behaviors.第三,他应该接受道德教育,如果他品行不好,没有人会考虑和他做朋友。

5.Thirdly the internal varieties pke firm "s R&D management will determine how much TTK can firm absorb from the external. "企业研发管理等内部因素等决定了外部TTK的吸收能力;

6.Thirdly, there was an aspect of transfer of technology and knowledge, which needed to be taken into account when taking any decision.第三,技术和知识的转让,在作出任何决定时,都需要将这一特点考虑在内。

7.Thirdly, there is a demand, there is not enough to see other people's exists also depends on the basis of innovation team.第三,有了需求,看到人家的不足,能否创新还取决于创新团队的基础。

8.Thirdly, it is our responsibipty as news media to see that we depver prompt and accurate reports to people who need news and information.第三个课题是,我们应该将新闻媒体负责任的报道迅速、准确地传送到需要新闻和信息的人们手中。

9.And thirdly, the question is, what will it do to actually how much people want it?第三,问题是,它对多少人想要避免老化的人们起作用?

10.Thirdly, in the treatment of development process, and how much will a certain critical effect of ". "不一是在显影历程洋,多少会活命必定的“临界效应”。