




1.周年 ... 3个月 three-month anniversary 3周年 third anniversary 记得给我打电话 don't forget to call me ...


1.Sunday marks the third anniversary of the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom.周日是伊拉克被解放并恢复自由的三周年纪念日。

2.She attained the sixty-third anniversary of her birth.在他逝世一周年的时候。

3.His 81st birthday is Wednesday and Saturday will mark the third anniversary of his election as pontiff .星期三是他81岁的生日,而星期六是他担任教皇的第三年纪念。

4.His 81th birthday is Wednesday and Saturday will mark the third anniversary of his election as pontiff.星期三是他81岁的生日,星期六是他当选为教皇的三周年纪念日。

5.The revelations come on the third anniversary of the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy.这件事被曝光,正值雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)破产三周年。

6.His 81st birthday is WednesdayandSaturday will mark the third anniversary of his election as pontiff.他的81岁生日是星期三,星期六将是他当选为教皇的三周年纪念日。

7.New Orleans marked the third anniversary of Katrina by keeping a wary eye on another potentially dangerous storm.当新奥尔良正在举行卡特利纳三周年纪念活动的时候,人民同时也在关注着新一轮潜在性的风暴。

8.To mark the third anniversary of the coup, Mr Thaksin's red-shirted supporters plan to rally in Bangkok.为了纪念政变3周年,他信的红杉军计划在曼谷集会。

9.As the intervention marks its third anniversary about 17, 000 people are now on "income-management" , a twelvefold increase since 2007.干预案已实施有3年了,目前有17,000人接受“收入管理”,这个数目自2007年起已经提高了12倍。

10.Founded third anniversary of the occasion, guest: CCTV "Dream Theater" Lespe mimicry Champion - Chung-ho;值此创刊三周年之际,特邀:CCTV《梦想剧场》张国荣模仿秀冠军——钟浩;