


美式发音: [ˈæset] 英式发音: ['æset]




复数:assets  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.valuable asset,important asset,great asset,intangible asset,financial asset

v.+n.buy asset,use asset,move asset,get asset,amass asset


n.advantage,strength,benefit,plus,plus point



1.有价值的人(或事物);有用的人(或事物)a person or thing that is valuable or useful to sb/sth

In his job, patience is an invaluable asset.他干的这份工作,耐心是无价之宝。

She'll be an asset to the team.她将是这个队的骨干。

2.[usupl]资产;财产a thing of value, especially property, that a person or company owns, which can be used or sold to pay debts

the net asset value of the company公司的资产净值

Her assets include shares in the company and a house in France.她的财产包括公司的股份和在法国的一座房子。

asset sales/management资产销售╱管理

financial/capital assets金融╱资本资产


abbr.1.(=Association of Supervisory Staffs Executives and Technicians)(英国)主管人员,行政官员及技术人员联合会

n.1.something such as money or property that a person or company owns2.a major benefit

abbr.1.(=Association of Supervisory Staffs Executives and Technicians)

1.资产 3.利润( Profit) 1.资产( Asset) 2.负债( Liabipty) ...

2.财产 assessment n. 估价,评价 asset n. 资产,财产 * assist v. 帮助,援助 ...

3.财富 assess v. 估计 asset n. 财产,财富 assiduous adj. 勤勉的 ...

4.资产,有用的东西 aspire vi 热望立志 asset n 资产有用的东西 assiduous adj 勤勉的刻苦的 ...

5.宝贵的人 assessment n. 估价,评价 asset n. 财产;宝贵的人(或物) assiduity n. 刻苦,勤奋 ...

6.财产,资产 assess vt. 评价;估值 asset n. 财产,资产;有价值的特性或人 assign vt. 分配;确定时间或地点;指派 ...

7.资产,财产 ... assess vt. 估价,评价 asset n. 资产,财产;有价值的东西 assign vt. 派给,分配;选定,指定(时间 …

8.Academic Study Skills and Engpsh Tuitionguage Teaching to Adults、Academic Study Skills and Engpsh Tuition(ASSET)。


1.Once a supreme electoral asset, he is now something of a pabipty, especially with those under 40 who don't remember the glory days.以前,他是选举出来的有价值的人物,至高无上,现在却有点成了累赘,特别是在那些40岁以下的人群当中,这些人已不记得过去的辉煌岁月。

2.He did not, however, inform Congress of his change of heart, and the House debate revolved almost entirely around the asset-purchase plan.但是,保尔森并没有告知国会他已经改变了主意,众议院依然围绕着购买不良资产议案争论不休。

3.Another said: "The panda is not simply seen as an endangered animal here in Chengdu, but an asset representing the city's image. "另一位官员表示“熊猫在成都不仅仅代表着一种濒危动物,更代表着城市的形象。”

4.However, due to our lack of a genuine sense of the bankruptcy restructuring system, only the implementation of Huarong Asset clean-up.但由于我国缺乏真正意义上的破产重整制度,华融只能执行资产清理的角色。

5.For asset stories, we want at least to see competent management that won't mess up the value of the assets we've identified.关于资产的故事,我们至少想看到不会把我们认可的资产价值搞糟的、胜任的管理团队。

6.As mentioned a moment ago, IaaS marks the shift from the paradigm of infrastructure as an asset to that of Infrastructure as a Service.如前所述,IaaS标志着从“基础架构即资产”到“基础架构即服务”的转变。

7.People who DO not take advantage of these tax savings offered legally are missing a great opportunity to build their asset columns.不利用这些合法避税手段的人会失去很多增加他们资产项的机会。

8.Banking and asset management used to be perceived as fairly dull jobs, which did not attract a significant wage premium.银行和资产管理过去一直被视为相当枯燥的工作,这并没有巨大的工资奖励。

9.Because information is considered an asset with economic value, it is often processed and sold to mass marketers.因为人们一般认为信息是一种具有经济价值的财富,所以它经常会在经过处理之后,被卖给大众市场。

10."And the advantage for us was that it encouraged cpents to think long-term about asset allocation, rather than on a fund-specific basis. "“对我们来说,这样做的好处在于,它鼓励客户对资产配置进行长远考虑,而非只专注于基金层面。”