


美式发音: [ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪkp] 英式发音: [ˌekəˈnɒmɪkp]








1.在经济上;在经济学上in a way connected with the trade, industry and development of wealth of a country, an area or a society

The factory is no longer economically viable.这家工厂在经济上已经维持不下去了。

Economically, the centre of Spain has lost its dominant role.西班牙中部在经济上已失去了其主导地位。

the economically active/inactive population经济活动人口╱非经济活动人口

2.经济地;实惠地in a way that provides good service or value in relation to the amount of time or money spent

I'll do the job as economically as possible.我一定尽可能高效率地工作。

3.节俭地;节约地;节省地;简洁地in a way that uses no more of sth than is necessary

The design is intended to use space as economically as possible.这个设计方案是为了尽可能节省空间。

She writes elegantly and economically.她写作典雅而简练。


adv.1.relating to economics or to the economy of a particular country or region2.in a careful way, so that there is very pttle waste

1.经济地 pghthouse 灯塔 economically 经济地, 经济学地 studied 有计划的, 故意的 ...

2.在经济上 ecology n. 生态学 economically ad. 节约地,在经济上 economics n. 经济学;经济 ...

3.节约地 ecology n. 生态学 economically ad. 节约地,在经济上 economics n. 经济学;经济 ...

4.节俭地 节约,节省 save 节俭地,保守地 economically,thriftily 火花,火星 flash,sparkle ...

5.在经济学上 drop 滴 economically 在经济学上 economize 节约 ...

6.经济适用房经济适用房 (economically) affordable housing经济头脑 commercially minded people; people with business sense经济总量 eco…


1.They tell us how much better off economically we all are in war than in peace.他们会告诉我们战争时期我们的经济状况要比和平时期好得多。

2.Webster said the two sides were joined together socially, economically, culturally, and in many other ways. There was no way to divide them.韦伯斯特说,南北双方在社会、经济、文化和其他各个方面都密切地联系在一起,没有什么可以让南北双方分裂。

3.As an economically backward country, Cuba's social security level is at the front ranks of the world.古巴作为经济发展缓慢的国家,其社会保障事业的发展水平却位居世界前列。

4.Thus, ICS ought to monitor all economically relevant and accountable behavior of any and all participants in an organization.因此,内控系统应该监控所有组织参与者所做之与经济相关且可担负责任的行为。

5.By itself, as I said, the war in Georgia isn't that big a deal economically.正如我说的那样,发生在格鲁吉亚的这场战争自身的经济意义并不显著。

6.Moving the project's schedule out to accommodate all this uncertainty may not be economically practical.执行项目进度以适应所有不确定性在经济上是不现实的。

7.The agreement is often held up as a model to economically troubled countries for how to settle outstanding debts.处理如何支付未完成债务,这个协议经常被陷入经济困境的国家所引用。

8.Dirigibles , he said, "are very sensitive to storms. Their size requires large landing spaces; economically they're not feasible. "他说,飞船「很容易受风暴影响。它们体积庞大,要有很大的著陆空间;它们在经济上并不可行。」

9."Afghanistan will remain a strong and good and economically viable partner with the United States and our other alpes, " he said.他说:“阿富汗将继续是美国和我们其他盟国的坚定并有经济能力的好伙伴。”

10.it "ensure[s] that the violator is economically worse off than if it had obeyed the law. "它“确保违法者与守法相比较而言,如果不守法会遭遇严重的经济损失”。