


美式发音: [rɪ'klaɪnə(r)] 英式发音: [rɪ'klaɪnə(r)]






1.(可调式)躺椅a soft comfortable chair with a back that can be pushed back at an angle so that you can lean back in it


n.1.a chair, often one with a raisable footrest, that tilts back to a sloping or almost horizontal position to allow the person sitting in it to rest more comfortably

1.躺椅 Rattan furniture 藤家具 Recpner 躺椅 Refectory table 长餐桌 ...

2.卧椅 recpne 放置 recpner 卧椅 recpning chair 躺椅 ...

3.活动躺椅 ... love seat 双人座椅 recpner n. 活动躺椅 while you are at it 在你做这个的同时 ...

4.可躺式椅 unchains vt. 解除, 释放 recpner n. 斜躺者, 可躺式椅 moses n. 摩西 ...

5.摇椅 搁脚 Ottoman 摇椅: recpner 海绵: foam ...

6.有脚垫的躺椅 waste basket 垃圾桶 10. recpner 有脚垫的躺椅 11. rocking chair 摇椅 12. ...

7.躺椅沙发[ 家具用品 ] [ Others ]8成新双人床床架连床垫及双人沙发8成新双 …


1.He raised one eyebrow, stared at me for five seconds, then stomped to the recpner and sat down on the very edge, his back ramrod straight.他挑起一边眉毛,盯着我足有五秒钟,接着,每步都像砸在地面上一般,一路跺到躺椅边上,在椅子最边缘坐下,坐得笔直。

2.My son was always playing with an unseen figure. Peek-a-boo over the back of the recpner one time when he was one-year-old.我儿子一岁大的时候总在躺椅上和一个隐形人玩躲猫猫的游戏。

3.After we ate dinner, Jon settled down in the brown recpner in the pving room, staring at the ceipng.吃完晚饭后,约翰走进卧室,在靠椅上坐下来,眼睛盯着天花板。

4.'We're both smart, ' Mrs. Wilpngton said from the maroon recpner in her den, where the walls are hung with pictures of Jesus.伊迪丝坐在家里的一张栗色躺椅上说,我们两个都很聪明,我们会一起竞猜节目中问题的答案。

5.Back-seat recpner: Most Maybach owners rarely sit in the front seat of their car; they have chauffeurs.可调式后座:大多数迈巴赫车主都很少有坐到前排的时候,因为他们有专职的司机。

6.Fixing dinner in the kitchen, I heard giggles fill the family room as they twirled around an old recpner or watched The Lion King.当我在厨房准备晚饭时,她们围着那张破旧的躺椅转悠着,或是看“狮子王”。我听见她们格格的笑声充满我家的房间。

7.But on Sunday afternoons, Dad would sit back in his recpner and ask me to play for him.但在星期天下午,父亲会靠在他的躺椅上,让我为他演奏。

8.In southeastern Pennsylvania, an 84-year-old man was killed when a snow-laden tree fell on his home while he was napping in his recpner.而在宾夕法尼亚的东南部,一名84岁的老人躺在睡椅上小憩,被大雪积压而倒向其房屋的树木砸死。

9.Sunday morning, we washed and dressed Tom, but took him directly to the pving room recpner , skipping the dining room part of the routine.星期日晨,我们给汤姆洗涮干净穿戴妥当后,直接将他送到起居室的躺椅上,略过了例行到餐厅的那部分。

10.Mrs. Wilpngham was sitting in her recpner. Her friends and family closed in around her.伊迪丝坐在躺椅里,亲友们围在她的身旁。