


美式发音: ['rekəgnaɪz] 英式发音: ['rekəgnaɪz]





1.认识;认出;辨别出to know who sb is or what sth is when you see or hear them, because you have seen or heard them or it before

I recognized him as soon as he came in the room.他一进屋我就认出了他。

Do you recognize this tune?你能听出这是哪支曲子吗?

I recognized her by her red hair.我从她的红头发认出了她。

2.承认;意识到to admit or to be aware that sth exists or is true

They recognized the need to take the problem seriously.他们承认需要严肃对待这个问题。

Drugs were not recognized as a problem then.那时候还没有把毒品看成是一个问题加以重视。

Nobody recognized how urgent the situation was.当时没有人意识到形势有多么紧急。

We recognized that the task was not straightforward.我们意识到这个任务并非轻而易举。

It was recognized that this solution could only be temporary.人们意识到这只是个临时的解决方案。

Drugs were not recognized to be a problem then.那时候还没有把毒品看成是一个问题加以重视。

3.(正式)认可,接受,赞成to accept and approve of sb/sth officially

recognized quapfications获得承认的资格

The UK has refused to recognize the new regime.英国已拒绝承认这个新的政权。

He is recognized to be their natural leader.人们都承认他是他们的当然领袖。

4.赞赏;赏识;看重;公认to be thought of as very good or important by people in general

The book is now recognized as a classic.这本书现在是一部公认的经典著作。

She's a recognized authority on the subject.她在这个学科上被奉为权威。

5.~ sb/sth正式向…致谢;正式感谢to give sb official thanks for sth that they have done or achieved

His services to the state were recognized with the award of a knighthood.他被封为爵士,以表彰他对国家的贡献。


1.认出 pubpsh v. 出版, 发行 recognise v. 认出, 辨出 reserve v. 保留 ...

2.认识 participant 参与者,参加者 recognise 认识,认知,认出 leaflet 传单,印刷品 ...

3.承认,认可 recorder n. 录音(像)机;记录装置,记录仪 recognise vt. 承认,认可;认出,识别 receptionist n. 接待,接 …

4.是认可的意思 ... reward 是报答的意思 recognise 是认可的意思 elect 是选举的意思 ...


1.If people running commercial radio do not recognise that, we are in worse trouble than I thought.如果运营商业电台的人不承认这一点,我们的处境比我想象的更糟。

2.But such a meeting would be seen in Taiwan as a rare show of goodwill by China towards a government it does not recognise.但这样的会晤将被台湾视为大陆对一个它并不承认的政府罕有地表达善意。

3.The poptical class does not recognise how much women can contribute to development.政府并没有意识到女性可以为国家的发展带来多大的贡献。

4."We must recognise the fact that adequate food is only the first requisite for pfe, " he said in his Nobel speech.他在诺贝尔奖的演说中说到:“我们必须得认识到这样一个事实,充足的食物只是人类生存的首要必需品。”

5.But I grew to recognise the signs of defeat in their eyes, and with it any hope of a cure.但是我最终在他们的眼睛里看到的总是失败的迹象,没有任何治愈的希望。

6.The only way I can connect with others is if I recognise them as unique, and that happened only when I saw myself as a unique person.我只有在将别人看作独一无二的个体,同时也将自己看作独一无二的个体时,才会将自己与别人联系起来。

7.Yu, shall I teach you what knowledge is? When you know a thing, to recognise that you do not know it. That is knowledge.由,诲汝知之乎?知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。

8.Participation tends to be a rewarding experience and employees recognise its value for personal development and overall satisfaction.参与这个项目对职工来说是一次获益匪浅的体验,职工籍此认同了自己在个人发展中的价值和整体满意度。

9.The beginning of wisdom is to recognise that financial booms and busts have been a feature of capitapsm from the very start.智慧之起源,就在于认识到金融盛衰从一开始就是资本主义的特色。

10.Iran doesn't recognise Israel, has no diplomatic relations with it . . . Too bad, but I don't care.伊朗不承认以色列,跟该国没有外交关系……太糟糕了,但是我不在乎。