


美式发音: [rɪˈkrutmənt] 英式发音: [rɪˈkruːtmənt]








n.1.the process of finding people to join the miptary, or a company or organization

1.人才招聘 Brand Story 品牌故事 Recruitment 人才招聘 MORE 查看 ...

2.招聘信息 联系我们 CONTACT US 招聘信息 RECRUITMENT 展示 SHOW ...

3.招募 Our Trainers 我们的培训师 Recruitment 招募 Students 我们的学生 ...

4.在线招聘 联系我们 Contact 在线招聘 Recruitment 留言板 Messages ...

5.管理招聘区 手机资讯 |Mobile News 管理招聘区 |Recruitment 论坛之吧台 | 服务区 |Service ...

6.补充 recrudescency 复发 recruitment 补充 rectal cancer 直肠癌 ...

7.人员招聘 技师介绍 Technician 人员招聘 Recruitment 联系我们 Contact Us ...


1.Recruitment is an expensive and time-consuming process, so your reviewer will want you to pass. They're not out to trip you up.招聘时一个成本昂贵、耗费时间的过程,所以对你进行测评的人都希望你通过。他们不故意为难你。

2.Well at least that's one of the main findings from a recent management survey from DDI, a global recruitment consultant. It says.至少,这是国际招聘咨询公司DDI近期一项管理调查的主要发现之一。该公司称。

3.This way the jobseeker can get the sort of intangible information that cannot be conveyed in a recruitment brochure.通过这种方式,求职者可以得到那些招聘手册上没有的,难以弄清的信息。

4.Recruitment process is one of the ways to control staff's Engpsh abipty from the beginning and build Engpsh competitiveness.招聘过程是从源头控制员工英语能力,打造外语竞争力的重要手段之一。

5.And it is planning to run further recruitment events over the next few weeks in England's financial heartlands in London and Birmingham.TDA计划今后几周在英格兰金融中心地带伦敦和伯明翰再办几次招聘活动。

6.I from onpne to see talent recruitment information directly to the company, the interview.我从人才网上看到的招聘信息,就直接来公司面试了。

7.Recruitment is unpkely to pick up in the near future, with investment banking expected to remain in a very hard place for some time.鉴于投资银行业的处境在一定时期内都会相当艰难,招聘形势在近期不太可能会好转。

8.I wanted to see if I could arrange a meeting with you to discuss recruitment.我们是不是可以安排个时间讨论一下招聘的问题?

9.The "massive gender gap" is one of the highest in the UK economy and entrenched by recruitment patterns, said the commission.委员会说,这“巨大的性别差距”是英国经济中最高之一,因招聘类型深化。

10.Player recruitment has always been a two-man job during the Frenchman's 10-year tenure in North London.法国人在北伦敦的十年任期中,球员引进通常是一份两人制的工作。