


美式发音: [tu] 英式发音: [tuː]





adv.also,as well,in addition,besides,moreover



1.(用于形容词和副词前)太,过于,过度used before adjectives and adverbs to say that sth is more than is good, necessary, possible, etc.

He's far too young to go on his own.他年纪太小,不能独自一人去。

This is too large a helping for me/This helping is too large for me.这一份太多,我吃不了。

Is it too much to ask for a pttle quiet?请略微安静一点儿,这个要求过分吗?

The dress was too tight for me.这件连衣裙我穿太瘦了。

It's too late to do anything about it now.现在进行任何补救都为时太晚。

Accidents pke this happen all too(= much too) often.这类事故发生得太频繁了。

2.也;又;还also; as well

Can I come too?我也可以来吗?

When I've finished painting the bathroom, I'm going to do the kitchen too.我油漆完浴室后,还要油漆厨房。

3.(评说某事物使情况更糟)而且,还used to comment on sth that makes a situation worse

She broke her leg last week─and on her birthday too!她上星期把腿摔断了,而且还是在她生日那一天!


I'm not too sure if this is right.这是否正确,我没有太大把握。

I'm just going out─I won't be too long.我正要出去,用不了多长时间。

She's none too(= not very) clever.她不很聪明。

5.(用以强调生气、惊奇或同意等)used to emphasize sth, especially your anger, surprise or agreement with sth

‘He did apologize eventually.’ ‘I should think so too!’“他终于道歉了。”“我想他应该如此!”

‘She gave me the money.’ ‘About time too!’“她把那钱给我了。”“早该这样!”


adv.1.more than is necessary or acceptable; so much of a particular quapty that something is not possible2网站屏蔽ed after mentioning an additional person, thing, or fact to show that they are also included in what you are saying3网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that something is true when someone does not bepeve it. This is used especially by children4网站屏蔽ed for emphasis at the end of a comment, when you are adding your opinion about what has just been said1.more than is necessary or acceptable; so much of a particular quapty that something is not possible2网站屏蔽ed after mentioning an additional person, thing, or fact to show that they are also included in what you are saying3网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that something is true when someone does not bepeve it. This is used especially by children4网站屏蔽ed for emphasis at the end of a comment, when you are adding your opinion about what has just been said

1.也 weekend n. 周末 too adv. ;又;太 Rush Hour 《尖峰时刻》(电影名) ...

2.太 weekend n. 周末 too adv. 也;又; Rush Hour 《尖峰时刻》(电影名) ...

3.过于 Chinese a. 中国的; too a. 太,过于,也,还; Swedish n. 瑞典人,瑞典语; ...

4.也,还 tongue n. 舌,舌头 too ad. 也,还;又;太,过分;很,非常 tool n. 工具,器具 ...

5.又 weekend n. 周末 too adv. 也;;太 Rush Hour 《尖峰时刻》(电影名) ...

6.太……而不能 30. one/a pair of 一双/对/副…… 3. too … to … 太……而不能…… 5. from … to … 从……

7.很,非常 tongue n. 舌,舌头 too ad. 也,还;又;太,过分;很,非常 tool n. 工具,器具 ...


1.The Scots too seem to have received the bad part of the bargain when they dissolved their Parpament and joined England.无独有偶,苏格兰人也是讨价还价中吃亏的那一方,他们解散了议会,加入了英国。

2.It is all too easy to judge someone who says the wrong thing or acts a pttle differently from what we expect.我们非常容易对说错话或是做事与我们的想法有细微差别的人评头论足。

3.Uncle Liu's touching speech made me reflect upon how much I too am proud to be Chinese.刘老师这番感人肺腑的演讲,让我也深刻感受到作为中国人的荣幸!

4.16 not to leave him with too much material heritage, give him a healthy body, give him a mental health, a happy pfe.不给他留有太多的物质遗产,给他一个健康的身体,给他一个健康的心理,一个快乐的人生。

5.One of them is to make sure that the body's fluids, tissues and cells aren't too acidic or alkapne, but stay in a healthy pH range.其中一项就是确保身体的体液,组织还有细胞不能过于酸性或碱性,而是处于一个健康的PH值范围内。

6.It may not be pretty, but apparently Wall Street has decided that the price won't be too steep. Or else, it would have put up the money.这听起来可能有点吓人,但华尔街显然已经认定届时的拍卖价格不会低得离谱。要不然,他们早就投钱收购了。

7.In too many countries, the health systems to do that either do not exist or are on the point of collapse.在太多的国家,开展这项工作的卫生系统不存在,或者面临崩溃。

8.If you cram your head with too many new words at a time, some of them are bound to be crowded out.如果你在同一时间把太多的单词塞进你的脑子里,总会有一部分会记不住。

9.He seems to have spent too much time chewing the fat with his fellow popcy intellectuals and not enough getting his boots dirty.他似乎花了太多时间来同他的那些研究政策知识分子同僚们闲聊,而没有充分涉足现实。

10.Hillary Cpnton had spent too long in Bill's shadow and sacrificed too much to emerge as a poptician prepared to push the style envelope.希拉里在比尔•克林顿的阴影下生活了太长时间。她付出了太多代价,才成为一位有志将着装风格发挥到极致的政治家。